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Re: [Geiser-users] Help associating source and REPL - "No prompt found!"

From: Jon Miller
Subject: Re: [Geiser-users] Help associating source and REPL - "No prompt found!"
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 13:55:18 -0800
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.2.1

Seems like I can let this go... :-)

Couldn't help but notice that the regexp change was the one thing that both
"fixed" my problem but also introduced that delay in both launching the REPL
and when sending between source to REPL. I removed the caret "^" from my
modified regexp for the final value of:
(setq geiser-racket--prompt-regexp "\\(\\(mzscheme\\|racket\\)@\\|^\\)[^ ]*> ")

I now quickly get an error when running C-c M-e after my example def:
(define (cube x) (* x x x))

I get an error window with the message:
  (define (cube x) (* x x x))
  Error: retort-syntax
  stdin::87: unquote: not in quasiquote
    in: (unquote geiser-eval)

Perhaps this is an easier problem or still related to the regexp? 

Jon Miller  

address@hidden writes:

> I did the same with run-geiser and eventually tracked it down to
> geiser-racket--prompt-regexp. My racket prompt looks like:
> Welcome to Racket v5.3.6.
> So, I added the following to my startup:
> (setq geiser-racket--prompt-regexp "^\\(\\(mzscheme\\|racket\\)@\\|\\)[^ ]*> 
> ")
> With that, the REPL starts and I can switch back and forth with C-c C-z. Next
> up is seeing why it takes so long to send definitions over to the REPL via
> C-c M-e (geiser-eval-definition-and-go). When I run that, I get a spinning
> wheel for my cursor until 30s at which point I'm back to the REPL but the
> definition didn't make it there with me. 
> I'm hoping that situation is known and/or potentially related to how I've
> modified the prompt regexp? If not, I'll take a look further a bit later in
> the day. Need to get some other work done. :-)

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