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Delete from Strings does 'funny things' (oh, it's a rhyme!)

From: Rudolf Schubert
Subject: Delete from Strings does 'funny things' (oh, it's a rhyme!)
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 11:55:57 +0200 (CEST)


I'm still hunting some issues. This time my focus is on Delete from Strings.
'As usual' I append a small test program and this time also two logs. One
is from GM2 and the other from GPM. The files are:

port_test9_gm2.mod:     small test program
TestDelete_gm2:         log when using GM2
TestDelete_gpm:         log when using GPM

I think GPM does things right whereas GM2 fails in several places. Mainly
GM2 does not change Length of the string for the cases '1', 'a', 'ab'
and 'abc'. Moreover in case '1' we see the problem that GM2 reports a
HIGH value of 0 instead of 1. But please see my other post for this.



Rudolf Schubert                 \
Kirchstr. 18a                    \
82054 Sauerlach                   >
Deutschland                      /
Tel. 08104/908311               /

Attachment: port_test9_gm2.mod
Description: Text document

Attachment: TestDelete_gm2
Description: Text document

Attachment: TestDelete_gpm
Description: Text document

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