El sáb, 15-08-2009 a las 10:57 +0930, Karl Goetz escribió:
Sounds brilliant, but try and take into account the work already done
in the wiki :)
There is semi-structured documentation already available there, which
could be a handy place to start on your project.
Of course, that can not be wasted.
So far the kiss of death for doco projects has been someone being
nominated as 'in charge', so lets avoid that here and you magically
make stuff happen :)
I'm not a magician but I'll try to help as much as I can :)
Zach, Russell, I started the project[1] that will be our route to create
the documentation.
If you think the list of documents is ok as is, we can prepare to start
with the first document: About gNewSense.
Currently, the Documentation Team has no guidelines or a defined
workflow we can use, so I propose we do the following:
0. Take GNOME Documentation Style Guide as a reference for style
1. Open the project for the document About gNewSense
2. Propose a structure for the document (in any format)
3. Define the final structure from the proposals
4. Propose the content
5. Write a draft in the wiki combining the content proposals
6. Revise and improve
7. Write the final document in DocBook
What do you think?