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[Gnoppix-user] Booting in other Languages

From: cyberdune
Subject: [Gnoppix-user] Booting in other Languages
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 14:27:52 +0100
User-agent: Opera7.20/Linux M2 build 449

Gnoppix is (nowadays) a German project.
So it is obvious that the goal is to become stable, secure, usable
- and then afterwards aiming the full internationalization.

I dont have a clue what "knoppix 2" means, but the name Gnoppix does not mean we are like Knoppix (also German). We are not using the Knoppix bootloader, our`s completely new, based on isolinux (and still buggy).

Gnoppix ist Woody. Knoppix is a mix of unstable/testing.
That is the reason people having problems with apt-get dependencies.
So Knoppix should never be installed on HD hoping to have a fast, secure scalalable system!!
As Klaus Knopper said:
"I am afraid of having allowed writing the hd-install. I intended the Live-CD for educational purposes (Terminals, Conferences, etc..) and to show what is possible with LINUX - not to be installed on HD!"

Knoppix ships out now in version 3.3 - we are working on release 0.7 !!
So please be patient, give us hints, tips, etc..
If you want us to run faster to 1.0 - HELP us, write code, send it to us..

The work until now was a great hack and Gnoppix is (nevertheless beta and 0.6.2)
more faster, more secure and more stable than Knoppix, eh!?

Now we are focussing on usability, like:
Installer, Internationalizing, Office, Booting, etc..

Thanks for your patience, thanks for all your suggestions.
Feedback helps us working harder on a FREE Operating System..


Im Gedenken an die Opfer des 11. September -
des Tages, an dem 1973 mit Hilfe der USA Chiles Präsident Allende gestürzt und General Pinochet an die Macht geputscht wurde,
dessen Militär-Junta an die 30.000 Menschen töten und verschwinden ließ..

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