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[Gnu-arch-users] Re: Applying changesets on non-Arch sources

From: Andreas Rottmann
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: Applying changesets on non-Arch sources
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 19:49:43 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

"Jade Rubick" <address@hidden> writes:

> So my patch-8 contains all the changes. I'd like to take that patch
> and submit it in a form that can be applied to non-Arch source code.
> Then I can commit it, send it to someone, etc..
> I realize that Arch's changesets do a lot more than normal the normal
> patch command. I'd be even happy if I could apply an Arch changeset on
> non-Arch code. Is that possible?
Well, I've developed a way to extract a "patch script" out of an
archive. This script, when run, will replay the changes in a set of
changesets in an archive, including renames (that feature is not well
tested, however). You can find the code in iTLA [0], this the file
that does the work:


This exports the changeset that corresponds to "tla changes" as a
"patch script". I get the wanted set of changesets by removing their
patch-logs from the tree, which is admittedly a bit of a hack, but
works quite well; see the function "create-patch-script" in this file:

I already thought about exposing this functionality directly in a
command, e.g. 

itla-export <fully-qualified-revision>

Would you find that useful?

> Questions:
> 1. Is there a way I can take patch-8, and apply that on another
> machine, with tla installed, on non-Arch controlled source trees?
On the machine where the patch script is run, tla doesn't have to be
installed, just on the machine you create it, you need tla (and itla).

> 2. Is there a way to take that changeset and apply the changes to a
> non-Arch source tree, even if I don't get the renaming of files,
> etc... I'd love to just be able to patch -p0 < patch-file and have a
> reasonably close set of changes made to the source code.
See above.

HTH, Rotty
Andreas Rottmann         | address@hidden      | address@hidden | address@hidden      | GnuPG Key:
Fingerprint              | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

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