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[open-cobol-list] Splitting files by platform, cobc performance survey

From: Patrick
Subject: [open-cobol-list] Splitting files by platform, cobc performance survey
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 10:44:28 -0400
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Hi Everyone, Hi Joe

I wish I could answer your post from today but I just don't know anything about the CE source.

I wanted to mention that Brian Tiffin will likely have valuable feedback but he may be be tied up at the moment, we exchanged emails briefly a few days ago. Please wait for his answer, it may be some time.

I didn't want to high-jack Joe's thread so I created another one, even though it is similar, in some respects.


I find the libcob source a bit hard to read. There is a lot of platform specific code within single files, adjusted with lots of compiler directives.

Would it be a good idea to split them off into other files, named by platform, to increase readability ? I would be happy to try and help with this, if it was deemed to be a good idea.


autotools is surely a powerful thing but I have yet to read about anyone that "enjoys" autotools. In fact, what seems to be repeated over and over again is autotools is hell. Is there another build system that might be more suitable? I have been trying to read about developing with autotools so that I can start contributing little pieces of code to the project. I understand the basics but there seems to be so many pitfalls with it and I am still afraid of falling into a hole. We really need more developers, if there was simpler tools that might help lower the barrier to entry?


All of my Cobol programs are still small. Has anyone compiled a large codebase of let's say 50-100K lines of code? I am wondering how cobc performs with larger projects. If speed just isn't an issue, maybe we could have discussions about how to make cobc easier to get involved with, perhaps there are other languages that could also be used such as Cobol itself. There is no runtime penalty for a slower compiler.


I don't really know so much about libdb, I am trying to read up on it. Does it have a very different purpose then let's say sqlite? It seems smaller and I assume faster but with Oracle changing the license and affecting the way we can, then in turn license our code using any current version of libdb, it seems like a discussion on alternatives might be a good thing.


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