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[gnuspeech-contact] Re: Gnuspeech's nasal tract

From: David Hill
Subject: [gnuspeech-contact] Re: Gnuspeech's nasal tract
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 17:17:21 -0700

Hi Robert,

Good to hear from you.  Hope all is well.

On Apr 21, 2009, at 2:54 PM, address@hidden wrote:

I hope this isn't too far off the gnuspeech topics: I'm wondering, if one were to eliminate the nasal tract and the three-way junction portions of the tube model, then how much would that effect the quality and intelligibility of the resultant speech?

It would rather defeat the basis of the articulatory synthesis since, for nasal sounds, there would be now way of siphoning off the required energy into the nasal resonance and changing the overall resonance of the vocal tract.  So you would eviscerate the tract emulation and you wouldn't even gain very much.

On a different note, due to the expense of buying a Mac, I've not yet run the Mac binary you were kind enough to make available; still hope to do so eventually, though.  In the meantime, I've noted that the Linux/Gnustep version is moving along well.

There's new stuff in the SVN repository on the savannah site now (we've opted for SVN -- rather than CVS which is therefore now obsolete).  In particular, there's a .dmg file that will install Monet and a speech daemon on the Mac so you can play with Monet (still not complete as a language creation tool because the database creation stuff is not fully ported -- the parser is the next thing to be completed, then the database creation tools).  The direct URL for the .dmg is:

and choose download.  

You will remember that the project description page is:

but everything is accessible from the savannah home page at:

Thanks again for your devotion to the gnuspeech project and for your excellent work.

Thank you!  It is a labour of love.  I'd hate to see all the effort that was put in when we were "Trillium" go to waste.

I have just got an initial port of "Synthesizer" working, BTW.  The sources for both "Monet" and "Synthesizer" are also in the repository.  I could send you a ready-to-run version of the "Synthesizer" app if you ever get a Mac.

All good wishes.

David Hill
 The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable. (J.K. Galbraith)

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