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Re: [gpsd-dev] Recipe for installing new-enough scons is broken

From: Hal Murray
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] Recipe for installing new-enough scons is broken
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 2015 13:01:57 -0700

address@hidden said:
> Yeah, pretty soon we'll need some distro specific install files, referenced
> from the main INSTALL file.

> Like most things, the RasPi stuff started small, and grew and grew.  Time
> for it to be kicked out of the nest and start its own life.

> I would rather distros manage their own installs, but some, like the RasPi
> people, can't be bothered to actually make their ports work.

Much of the stuff in INSTALL that follows the "Special Notes for Rasberry Pi 
Installation" heading is actually about Debian and/or Wheezy.

I think it would be great if there was a what-to-install section for each 
major distro.  I'd be happy for that to be a separate file per distro.

Most of the stuff that is Raspberry Pi specific is actually about a specific 
hardware device, the Adafruit GPS HAT, which happens to only work on a 
Raspberry Pi.  I think it would be fine to split that out.  Some of the info 
might be helpful for setting up a homebrew PPS connection on a Pi.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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