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ublox F9P - rover: no RTK fix with default gpsd ublox initialisation

From: Michael Haberler
Subject: ublox F9P - rover: no RTK fix with default gpsd ublox initialisation
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:24:00 +0200


for my use case I'd want an RTK fix as well as track information - both 
together do not work for me (is there any reason why it should not?)

without the gpsd "--passive" option, I only get an 3D DGPS fix but get track 

if I run gpsd with "--passive" I go get an RTK fix but no track info in cgps -s 


if I force a NAV-PVT message with 'ubxtool -z CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_PVT_USB,1', I 
get two TPV messages in a row - the above message and this one - note 
confusingly fix is 3D DGPS, despite the above message just sent:


how should I go about this? 

just take track from the second TPV, or take position from first TPV and 
calculate track manually?


- F9P with RTCM3 fed to UART1 via str2str 
- UART1 set to 115200 ubxtool -z CFG-UART1-BAUDRATE,115200
- rtcm feed:  /usr/local/bin/str2str -in 
ntrip:// -out serial://rtcm:115200:8:n:1
- gpsd connected to USB port of F9P
- gpsd 3.24 build from source 0dbc9e
- RTK fix if run with GPSD_OPTIONS="--passive --speed 460800 --debug 1 
--listenany --nowait"
- 3D DGPS fix only if GPSD_OPTIONS="--speed 460800 --debug 1 --listenany 
- UBXOPTS=-P 27.31
- firmware:

 EXT CORE 1.00 (0fa0ae),HW 00190000","subtype1":"ROM BASE 0x118B2060,FWVER=HPG 

happy to provide any ublox config - not sure how what to retrieve and how

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