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Re: [TUHS] Re: symbols in eqnchar

From: Damian McGuckin
Subject: Re: [TUHS] Re: symbols in eqnchar
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 11:35:19 +1000 (AEST)

Hi Branden,

On Wed, 5 Jul 2023, G. Branden Robinson wrote:

In your new eqn user's guide, you might spell out the fact that "wig" is short for "wiggle". My brain failed to come up with that expansion, and struggled to figure out how characterizing a tilde as a "wig" over another glyph was ever widespread mathemathical parlance.

I will mention that. I called it a wiggle long before I knew its real name.

But then we have the popular children's pop group the Wiggles here in Oz.

I also call braces squiggly brackets and parentheses round brackets.

EQNCHAR calls a solid square symbol a 'blot'. Odd name. Years ago, I saw the troff special character name \(bx (or box) for ths symbol.

Perhaps I have suffered from overexposure to a recent U.S. president.

I would say so. You need a holiday back in Oz. A spring-like day (in the middle of winter) here today.

Thanks - Damian

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