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[PATCH 4/6] refactor linker to lay out ELF files and memory in the same

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] refactor linker to lay out ELF files and memory in the same way
Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 17:05:38 +0200

* module/system/vm/linker.scm (make-linker-object):
  (linker-object-symbols*): Create a symbol to the start of a linker
  object.  Hide it from the external linker-object-symbols* accessor.

  (segment-kind, count-segments): Sections without SHF_ALLOC don't get
  (collate-objects-into-segments): Allow for #f segment types.  If two
  sections have the same type and flags, leave them in the same order.

  (align): Allow for 0 alignment.

  (add-elf-objects): New helper: puts the ELF data structures (header,
  segment table, and section table) in sections of their own.  This
  lends a nice clarity and conceptual unity to the linker.

  (relocate-section-header, alloc-objects): Lay out segments with
  congruent, contiguous addresses, so that we can just mmap the file and
  if debugging sections that are not in segments are present, they can
  be lazily paged in if needed by the kernel's VM system.

  (link-elf): Refactor to use the new interfaces.

* test-suite/tests/linker.test: Update to expect the additional sections
  for the header and section table.
 module/system/vm/linker.scm  |  331 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 test-suite/tests/linker.test |    5 +-
 2 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/system/vm/linker.scm b/module/system/vm/linker.scm
index 580981a..2baddb0 100644
--- a/module/system/vm/linker.scm
+++ b/module/system/vm/linker.scm
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
-            linker-object-symbols
+            (linker-object-symbols* . linker-object-symbols)
@@ -120,13 +120,23 @@
   (address linker-symbol-address))
 (define-record-type <linker-object>
-  (make-linker-object section bv relocs symbols)
+  (%make-linker-object section bv relocs symbols)
   (section linker-object-section)
   (bv linker-object-bv)
   (relocs linker-object-relocs)
   (symbols linker-object-symbols))
+;; Hide a symbol to the beginning of the section in the symbols.
+(define (make-linker-object section bv relocs symbols)
+  (%make-linker-object section bv relocs
+                       (cons (make-linker-symbol (gensym "*section*") 0)
+                             symbols)))
+(define (linker-object-section-symbol object)
+  (car (linker-object-symbols object)))
+(define (linker-object-symbols* object)
+  (cdr (linker-object-symbols object)))
 (define (make-string-table)
   '(("" 0 #vu8())))
@@ -159,7 +169,8 @@
   (let ((flags (elf-section-flags section)))
     (cons (cond
            ((= (elf-section-type section) SHT_DYNAMIC) PT_DYNAMIC)
-           ((zero? (logand SHF_ALLOC flags)) PT_NOTE)
+           ;; Sections without SHF_ALLOC don't go in segments.
+           ((zero? flags) #f)
            (else PT_LOAD))
           (logior (if (zero? (logand SHF_ALLOC flags))
@@ -171,6 +182,18 @@
+(define (count-segments objects)
+  (length
+   (fold1 (lambda (object kinds)
+            (let ((kind (segment-kind (linker-object-section object))))
+              (if (and (car kind) (not (member kind kinds)))
+                  (cons kind kinds)
+                  kinds)))
+          objects
+          ;; We know there will be at least one segment, containing at
+          ;; least the header and segment table.
+          (list (cons PT_LOAD PF_R)))))
 (define (group-by-cars ls)
   (let lp ((in ls) (k #f) (group #f) (out '()))
@@ -194,15 +217,22 @@
            (cons (segment-kind (linker-object-section o)) o))
     (lambda (x y)
-      (let ((x-type (caar x)) (y-type (caar y))
-            (x-flags (cdar x)) (y-flags (cdar y))
-            (x-section (linker-object-section (cdr x)))
-            (y-section (linker-object-section (cdr y))))
+      (let* ((x-kind (car x)) (y-kind (car y))
+             (x-type (car x-kind)) (y-type (car y-kind))
+             (x-flags (cdr x-kind)) (y-flags (cdr y-kind))
+             (x-section (linker-object-section (cdr x)))
+             (y-section (linker-object-section (cdr y))))
-         ((not (equal? x-flags y-flags))
-          (< x-flags y-flags))
-         ((not (equal? x-type y-type))
-          (< x-type y-type))
+         ((not (equal? x-kind y-kind))
+          (cond
+           ((and x-type y-type)
+            (cond
+             ((not (equal? x-flags y-flags))
+              (< x-flags y-flags))
+             (else
+              (< x-type y-type))))
+           (else
+            (not y-type))))
          ((not (equal? (elf-section-type x-section)
                        (elf-section-type y-section)))
@@ -211,12 +241,15 @@
            (else (< (elf-section-type x-section)
                     (elf-section-type y-section)))))
-          (< (elf-section-size x-section)
-             (elf-section-size y-section)))))))))
+          ;; Leave them in the initial order.  This allows us to ensure
+          ;; that the ELF header is written first.
+          #f)))))))
 (define (align address alignment)
-  (+ address
-     (modulo (- alignment (modulo address alignment)) alignment)))
+  (if (zero? alignment)
+      address
+      (+ address
+         (modulo (- alignment (modulo address alignment)) alignment))))
 (define (fold1 proc ls s0)
   (let lp ((ls ls) (s0 s0))
@@ -224,20 +257,20 @@
         (lp (cdr ls) (proc (car ls) s0)))))
-(define (fold4 proc ls s0 s1 s2 s3)
-  (let lp ((ls ls) (s0 s0) (s1 s1) (s2 s2) (s3 s3))
+(define (fold3 proc ls s0 s1 s2)
+  (let lp ((ls ls) (s0 s0) (s1 s1) (s2 s2))
     (if (null? ls)
-        (values s0 s1 s2 s3)
-        (receive (s0 s1 s2 s3) (proc (car ls) s0 s1 s2 s3)
-          (lp (cdr ls) s0 s1 s2 s3)))))
+        (values s0 s1 s2)
+        (receive (s0 s1 s2) (proc (car ls) s0 s1 s2)
+          (lp (cdr ls) s0 s1 s2)))))
-(define (relocate-section-header sec fileaddr memaddr)
+(define (relocate-section-header sec addr)
   (make-elf-section #:index (elf-section-index sec)
                     #:name (elf-section-name sec)
                     #:type (elf-section-type sec)
                     #:flags (elf-section-flags sec)
-                    #:addr memaddr
-                    #:offset fileaddr
+                    #:addr addr
+                    #:offset addr
                     #:size (elf-section-size sec)
                     #:link (elf-section-link sec)
                     #:info (elf-section-info sec)
@@ -258,49 +291,39 @@
-(define (alloc-segment phidx type flags objects
-                       fileaddr memaddr symtab alignment)
-  (let* ((loadable? (not (zero? flags)))
-         (alignment (fold1 (lambda (o alignment)
+(define (alloc-objects write-segment-header!
+                       phidx type flags objects addr symtab alignment)
+  (let* ((alignment (fold1 (lambda (o alignment)
                              (lcm (elf-section-addralign
                                    (linker-object-section o))
-         (fileaddr (align fileaddr alignment))
-         (memaddr (align memaddr alignment)))
-    (receive (objects fileend memend symtab)
-        (fold4 (lambda (o out fileaddr memaddr symtab)
+         (addr (align addr alignment)))
+    (receive (objects endaddr symtab)
+        (fold3 (lambda (o out addr symtab)
                  (let* ((section (linker-object-section o))
-                        (fileaddr
-                         (if (= (elf-section-type section) SHT_NOBITS)
-                             fileaddr
-                             (align fileaddr (elf-section-addralign section))))
-                        (memaddr
-                         (align memaddr (elf-section-addralign section))))
+                        (addr (align addr (elf-section-addralign section))))
                     (cons (make-linker-object
-                           (relocate-section-header section fileaddr
-                                                    memaddr)
+                           (relocate-section-header section addr)
                            (linker-object-bv o)
                            (linker-object-relocs o)
                            (linker-object-symbols o))
-                    (if (= (elf-section-type section) SHT_NOBITS)
-                        fileaddr
-                        (+ fileaddr (elf-section-size section)))
-                    (+ memaddr (elf-section-size section))
-                    (add-symbols (linker-object-symbols o) memaddr symtab))))
-               objects '() fileaddr memaddr symtab)
-      (values
-       (make-elf-segment #:index phidx
-                         #:type type #:offset fileaddr
-                         #:vaddr (if loadable? memaddr 0)
-                         #:filesz (- fileend fileaddr)
-                         #:memsz (if loadable? (- memend memaddr) 0)
-                         #:flags flags #:align alignment)
-       (reverse objects)
-       symtab))))
+                    (+ addr (elf-section-size section))
+                    (add-symbols (linker-object-symbols o) addr symtab))))
+               objects
+               '() addr symtab)
+      (when type
+        (write-segment-header!
+         (make-elf-segment #:index phidx #:type type
+                           #:offset addr #:vaddr addr
+                           #:filesz (- endaddr addr) #:memsz (- endaddr addr)
+                           #:flags flags #:align alignment)))
+      (values endaddr
+              (reverse objects)
+              symtab))))
 (define (process-reloc reloc bv file-offset mem-offset symtab endianness)
   (let ((ent (vhash-assq (linker-reloc-symbol reloc) symtab)))
@@ -351,79 +374,150 @@
                    (elf-section-index section))))
+(define (add-elf-objects objects endianness word-size)
+  (define phoff (elf-header-len word-size))
+  (define phentsize (elf-program-header-len word-size))
+  (define shentsize (elf-section-header-len word-size))
+  (define shnum (+ (length objects) 3))
+  (define reloc-kind
+    (case word-size
+      ((4) 'abs32/1)
+      ((8) 'abs64/1)
+      (else (error "bad word size" word-size))))
+  ;; ELF requires that the first entry in the section table be of type
+  ;; SHT_NULL.
+  ;;
+  (define (make-null-section)
+    (make-linker-object (make-elf-section #:index 0 #:type SHT_NULL
+                                          #:flags 0 #:addralign 0)
+                        #vu8() '() '()))
+  ;; The ELF header and the segment table.
+  ;;
+  (define (make-header phnum index shoff-label)
+    (let* ((header (make-elf #:byte-order endianness #:word-size word-size
+                             #:phoff phoff #:phnum phnum #:phentsize phentsize
+                             #:shoff 0 #:shnum shnum #:shentsize shentsize
+                             #:shstrndx (or (find-shstrndx objects) 
+           (shoff-reloc (make-linker-reloc reloc-kind
+                                           (elf-header-shoff-offset word-size)
+                                           0
+                                           shoff-label))
+           (size (+ phoff (* phnum phentsize)))
+           (bv (make-bytevector size 0)))
+      (write-elf-header bv header)
+      ;; Leave the segment table uninitialized; it will be filled in
+      ;; later by calls to the write-segment-header! closure.
+      (make-linker-object (make-elf-section #:index index #:type SHT_PROGBITS
+                                            #:flags SHF_ALLOC #:size size)
+                          bv
+                          (list shoff-reloc)
+                          '())))
+  ;; The section table.
+  ;;
+  (define (make-footer objects shoff-label)
+    (let* ((size (* shentsize shnum))
+           (bv (make-bytevector size 0))
+           (section-table (make-elf-section #:index (length objects)
+                                            #:type SHT_PROGBITS
+                                            #:flags 0
+                                            #:size size)))
+      (define (write-and-reloc section-label section relocs)
+        (let ((offset (* shentsize (elf-section-index section))))
+          (write-elf-section-header bv offset endianness word-size section)
+          (if (= (elf-section-type section) SHT_NULL)
+              relocs
+              (cons* (make-linker-reloc
+                      reloc-kind
+                      (+ offset (elf-section-header-addr-offset word-size))
+                      0
+                      section-label)
+                     (make-linker-reloc
+                      reloc-kind
+                      (+ offset (elf-section-header-offset-offset word-size))
+                      0
+                      section-label)
+                     relocs))))
+      (let ((relocs (fold1 (lambda (object relocs)
+                             (write-and-reloc
+                              (linker-symbol-name
+                               (linker-object-section-symbol object))
+                              (linker-object-section object)
+                              relocs))
+                           objects
+                           (write-and-reloc shoff-label section-table '()))))
+        (%make-linker-object section-table bv relocs
+                             (list (make-linker-symbol shoff-label 0))))))
+  (let* ((null-section (make-null-section))
+         (objects (cons null-section objects))
+         (shoff (gensym "*section-table*"))
+         (header (make-header (count-segments objects) (length objects) shoff))
+         (objects (cons header objects))
+         (footer (make-footer objects shoff))
+         (objects (cons footer objects)))
+    ;; The header includes the segment table, which needs offsets and
+    ;; sizes of the segments.  Normally we would use relocs to rewrite
+    ;; these values, but there is no reloc type that would allow us to
+    ;; compute size.  Such a reloc would need to take the difference
+    ;; between two symbols, and it's probably a bad idea architecturally
+    ;; to create one.
+    ;;
+    ;; So instead we return a closure to patch up the segment table.
+    ;; Normally we'd shy away from such destructive interfaces, but it's
+    ;; OK as we create the header section ourselves.
+    ;;
+    (define (write-segment-header! segment)
+      (let ((bv (linker-object-bv header))
+            (offset (+ phoff (* (elf-segment-index segment) phentsize))))
+        (write-elf-program-header bv offset endianness word-size segment)))
+    (values write-segment-header! objects)))
 ;; objects ::= list of <linker-object>
-;; => 3 values: ELF header, program headers, objects
+;; => 3 values:
+;;   file size
+;;   objects with allocated memory address and file offset
+;;   symbol table
 (define (allocate-elf objects page-aligned? endianness word-size)
-  (let* ((seglists (collate-objects-into-segments objects))
-         (nsegments (length seglists))
-         (nsections (1+ (length objects))) ;; 1+ for the first reserved entry.
-         (program-headers-offset (elf-header-len word-size))
-         (fileaddr (+ program-headers-offset
-                      (* nsegments (elf-program-header-len word-size))))
-         (memaddr 0))
-    (let lp ((seglists seglists)
-             (segments '())
+  (receive (write-segment-header! objects)
+      (add-elf-objects objects endianness word-size)
+    (let lp ((seglists (collate-objects-into-segments objects))
              (objects '())
              (phidx 0)
-             (fileaddr fileaddr)
-             (memaddr memaddr)
+             (addr 0)
              (symtab vlist-null)
              (prev-flags 0))
       (match seglists
         ((((type . flags) objs-in ...) seglists ...)
-         (receive (segment objs-out symtab)
-             (alloc-segment phidx type flags objs-in fileaddr memaddr symtab
+         (receive (addr objs-out symtab)
+             (alloc-objects write-segment-header!
+                            phidx type flags objs-in addr symtab
                             (if (and page-aligned?
-                                     (not (= flags prev-flags)))
+                                     (not (= flags prev-flags))
+                                     ;; Allow sections that are not in
+                                     ;; loadable segments to share pages
+                                     ;; with PF_R segments.
+                                     (not (and (not type) (= PF_R 
            (lp seglists
-               (cons segment segments)
                (fold1 cons objs-out objects)
-               (1+ phidx)
-               (+ (elf-segment-offset segment) (elf-segment-filesz segment))
-               (if (zero? (elf-segment-memsz segment))
-                   memaddr
-                   (+ (elf-segment-vaddr segment)
-                      (elf-segment-memsz segment)))
+               (if type (1+ phidx) phidx)
+               addr
-         (let ((section-table-offset (+ (align fileaddr word-size))))
-           (values
-            (make-elf #:byte-order endianness #:word-size word-size
-                      #:phoff program-headers-offset #:phnum nsegments
-                      #:shoff section-table-offset #:shnum nsections
-                      #:shstrndx (or (find-shstrndx objects) SHN_UNDEF))
-            (reverse segments)
-            (let ((null-section (make-elf-section #:index 0 #:type SHT_NULL
-                                                  #:flags 0 #:addralign 0)))
-              (cons (make-linker-object null-section #vu8() '() '())
-                    (reverse objects)))
-            symtab)))))))
-(define (write-elf header segments objects symtab)
-  (define (phoff n)
-    (+ (elf-phoff header) (* n (elf-phentsize header))))
-  (define (shoff n)
-    (+ (elf-shoff header) (* n (elf-shentsize header))))
-  (let ((endianness (elf-byte-order header))
-        (word-size (elf-word-size header))
-        (bv (make-bytevector (shoff (elf-shnum header)) 0)))
-    (write-elf-header bv header)
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (segment)
-       (write-elf-program-header bv (phoff (elf-segment-index segment))
-                                 endianness word-size segment))
-     segments)
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (object)
-       (let ((section (linker-object-section object)))
-         (write-elf-section-header bv (shoff (elf-section-index section))
-                                   endianness word-size section))
-       (write-linker-object bv object symtab endianness))
-     objects)
-    bv))
+         (values addr
+                 (reverse objects)
+                 symtab))))))
 (define (check-section-numbers objects)
   (let* ((nsections (1+ (length objects))) ; 1+ for initial NULL section.
@@ -441,15 +535,20 @@
                     (vector-set! sections n object)))))
-;; Given a list of section-header/bytevector pairs, collate the sections
-;; into segments, allocate the segments, allocate the ELF bytevector,
-;; and write the segments into the bytevector, relocating as we go.
+;; Given a list of linker objects, collate the objects into segments,
+;; allocate the segments, allocate the ELF bytevector, and write the
+;; segments into the bytevector, relocating as we go.
 (define* (link-elf objects #:key
                    (page-aligned? #t)
                    (endianness (target-endianness))
                    (word-size (target-word-size)))
   (check-section-numbers objects)
-  (receive (header segments objects symtab)
+  (receive (size objects symtab)
       (allocate-elf objects page-aligned? endianness word-size)
-    (write-elf header segments objects symtab)))
+    (let ((bv (make-bytevector size 0)))
+      (for-each
+       (lambda (object)
+         (write-linker-object bv object symtab endianness))
+       objects)
+      bv)))
diff --git a/test-suite/tests/linker.test b/test-suite/tests/linker.test
index 97f7912..9e63991 100644
--- a/test-suite/tests/linker.test
+++ b/test-suite/tests/linker.test
@@ -75,8 +75,9 @@
       (set! elf (parse-elf bytes))
       (elf? elf)))
-  ;; 3 sections: the initial NULL section, .foo, and .shstrtab.
-  (pass-if-equal 3 (elf-shnum elf))
+  ;; 5 sections: the initial NULL section, .foo, .shstrtab, the initial
+  ;; header with segment table, and the section table.
+  (pass-if-equal 5 (elf-shnum elf))
   (pass-if ".foo section checks out"
     (let ((sec (assoc-ref (elf-sections-by-name elf) ".foo")))

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