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Re: NetworkManager doesn't "Connect automatically"

From: rennes
Subject: Re: NetworkManager doesn't "Connect automatically"
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 09:26:24 -0600
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.0.6


On 2016-12-13 08:37, Thomas Haller wrote:
This restricts the connection to a certain user, determined by the
connection.permissions property (see `nmcli connection show $NAME`
and `man nm-settings`).

This makes the connection only available, when a session for that user
exists. Is that user logged-in?

Did you build NetworkManager yourself? Is session-tracking properly
enabled to use systemd-logind or consolekit.

Starting NetworkManager with --debug is usually not that useful. The
most interesting thing it does is to turn on debug-logging, which you
can do  otherwise [1].

Accordig to what Thomas comments, I have two ideas:

* I wil try to compile 'network-manager' with '--with-session-tracking=consolekit'. * I remember that we do not have the file 'NetworkManager.conf' under '/etc/NetworkManager' directory.

I will perform the tests in the afternoon.


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