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Re: cannot boot after installation on VPS (via rescue system)

From: Wojtek Kosior
Subject: Re: cannot boot after installation on VPS (via rescue system)
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 10:37:06 +0100

> > On one VPS of mine (which also happens to have Guix installed via
> > rescue mode) the root is mounted from /dev/vda1.  
> Out of curiosity: what's the hoster, please?

It's a result of a long search for a decent Europe-based provider.  I
didn't choose any of the mainstream providers because of their ToS (even
well-reputed Gandi had somewhat customer-hostile ToS; the requirement
to purchase an insurance finally convinced me not to use them).  1984
was pretty fair but offered a DPA in horribly broken english (I still
use them for non-business needs).

The one I chose isn't perfect, either.  As you can see, they have
GDPR-incompliant Google spyware on their website (though it causes no
legal risk to their customers) and they rely on nonfree JS.  I couldn't
find a provider who does everything perfectly so I chose based on
priorities.  From my PoV it's a domestic provider which also makes
things easier for me (and possibly harder for others who'd like to
use this message as some kind of recommendation).

Good to see you solved your issue :)

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On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 08:25:57 +0100 Giovanni Biscuolo <> wrote:

> > On one VPS of mine (which also happens to have Guix installed via
> > rescue mode) the root is mounted from /dev/vda1.  
> Out of curiosity: what's the hoster, please?

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