I will try to ensure that all the suggestions are made. Will gate back after.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Health] GNUHealth Client on Web browser
From: Axel Braun
To: health@gnu.org
Hello Yusif,
Am Dienstag, 4. Mai 2021, 17:10:21 CEST schrieben Sie:
> Am Dienstag, 4. Mai 2021, 12:55:00 CEST schrieb Yusif Suleiman:
> > I installed gnuhealth on openSUSE using vm, and I have activated almost
> > all
> > the modules.
> >
> > We want to start using the gnuhealth system on production environment.
> Good. Make sure you have SSL connections enabled
> >>The computers on the network don't have Internet access, with that do I
> >>have to enabled SSL? >>
If you can make sure that the production system never ever sees an outside
connection (aka internet) and only trustworthy clients are in the network, you
can skip if. I would not skip it.
https://mrnovell.wordpress.com/2009/06/18/opensuse-linux-creating-self-signed-ssl-certificates/ explains how to create a self-signed certificate (there are
other tutorials as well, just ask the search engine of your trust)
> > Our interest now is for the laboratory procedure with hoping to expand to
> > other modules.
> >
> > Kindly let me how to use Web browser as a client to connect to the system.
> quoting /usr/share/doc/packages/trytond/tryton-server.README.openSUSE
> >>I will review the README.
> Installation of the Webfrontend for tryton (sao) from source
> >>Will the Webfrontend installation be on server (vm), client side or both?
The webfontend is installed on the server only
(Note: After all settings are made you may want to run the VM without grahical
desktop, to safe some resource: YasT -> System -> Service Management ->
Standard system target -> multiuser-system (runlevel 3) )
> >>Can the gnuhealth be access from windows machine via Web browsers (as most
> >>of the proposed client computers are working on Windows OS)
General answer is yes, but you should consider converting the clients to a
free software system as well. I bet there is nothing on it that can not be
handled with a free software system.