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Re: emacs for everything?

From: Maciek Pasternacki
Subject: Re: emacs for everything?
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 18:12:32 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

On Sweetmorn, The Aftermath 39, 3170 YOLD, Kai Grossjohann wrote:

>>>> Also, I don't like screen(1) eating my C-a which I use frequently to
>>>> jump to beginning of line in shell.  After thinking about other
>>>> binding to use, I realised that I use virtually every binding (since
>>>> I learned Emacs I use the same bindings in shell).
>>> I use ` for screen, `` inserts a single ` character.  Works quite well.
>> ...except when you try to paste a shell script from
>> editor/browser/whatever.  Before I had ScreenTerm and could safely
>> disable hotkey I also used backtick but strange things happening when
>> pasting textwere annoying.
> Yeah.  A friend uses C-o, perhaps that's better.  In a shell, you
> don't use C-o that often, and for the few times, C-o o is good enough,
> I think.

Oh!  This one seems to be a good pick. :)  Thanks.

> What's missing for screen is the equivalent of C-x b or iswitchb.

What's wrong with <hotkey> l (windowlist)?  I rarely use more than
eight windows so I don't need sophisticated methods to choose...

And I have caption line with window list on it, it takes two terminal
lines (or jus one if you don't use hardstatus) but is really
convenient (especially with windows monitored for activity/silence):

caption always
caption string '%{cb}%?%F*%:.%? %-Lw%{bc}%n*%f %t%{-}%+Lw %{= dd} %=%{.g}%H %l'
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string '%{= .c}%h%=%{.g}%D %M %d %Y %c:%s'

Maybe I shoud move window list to hardstatus, with split screen window
it looks weird... OTOH, I don't use split windows that much...

__    Maciek Pasternacki <> [ ]
`| _   |_\  / { ...bibit puer, bibit canus, bibit presul et decanus,
,|{-}|}| }\/ bibit soror, bibit frater, bibit anus, bibit mater, bibit ista,
\/   |____/bibit ille, bibunt centum, bibunt mille. } ( Carmina Burana )  -><-

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