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Re: Cannot print with emacs

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: Cannot print with emacs
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2011 12:08:41 +0200

Am 21.07.2011 um 14:28 schrieb Harald Weis:

> What am I doing wrong ?

I think your setup is a bit too complicated, but I'm also no FreeBSD (just Mac 
OS X, a remote relative) and a PostScript printer user.

Assume you've set up your printing subsystem correctly. Then a default printer 
is set and it's able to process a few different input formats and send it as 
PostScript code to the printer – if it's a PS printer. OTOH, GNU Emacs can 
produce PostScript output directly – see its File menu!

Since GNU Emacs 21 or 22 I am relying on GNU Emacs' built-in knowledge of UNIX 
printing. So I am setting only variables to beautify the produced PS output, 

         '(ps-bottom-margin 36)
         '(ps-error-handler-message (quote system))
         '(ps-footer-font-family (quote Palatino))
         '(ps-header-font-family (quote ZapfChancery-MediumItalic))
         '(ps-inter-column 25)
         '(ps-left-margin 36)
         '(ps-line-number-color "green")
         '(ps-line-number-font "Courier-Bold")
         '(ps-paper-type (quote a4))
         '(ps-print-control-characters nil)
         '(ps-print-footer t)
         '(ps-right-margin 27)
         '(ps-top-margin 28)
         '(ps-warn-paper-type nil)

Maybe printing works for you as well out-of-the-box... (provided the printing 
subsystem is set up correctly)

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


Schön zu können, wenn man muss.         – Always Ultra

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