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Re: Changing font size of all the buffers including the status line and

From: Van L
Subject: Re: Changing font size of all the buffers including the status line and the characters shown in electric-buffer
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 00:45:20 +1100

> Any thoughts/tips?

You can try load these functions in your .emacs

│  1  ;; To use:
│  2  ;;         M-x x-setface-height RET 300 RET
│  3  
│  4  (defun x-setface-height (number)
│  5    "Face height is set to NUMBER."
│  6    (interactive "nInsert number: ")
│  7    (set-face-attribute 'default (selected-frame) :height number))
│  8  
│  9  (defun set-face-height-360 ()
│ 10    "Set height of face to 360"
│ 11    (interactive)
│ 12    (set-face-attribute 'default (selected-frame) :height 360))
│ 13  ;; shortcut key
│ 14  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c o") 'set-face-height-360)
│ 15  
│ 16  (defun set-face-height-720 ()
│ 17    "Set height of face to 720"
│ 18    (interactive)
│ 19    (set-face-attribute 'default (selected-frame) :height 720))
│ 20  ;; shortcut key
│ 21  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c O") 'set-face-height-720)
│ 22  

> Yes, I agree it is wonderful that one can tweak each font for frame, buffer, 
> etc. as much as one wants, but there ought to be a single wrapper that allows 
> one to say, I want all the font to be 150 pixel height or 1.4 times the 
> current size to move to a new display terminal with different physical pixel 
> size. Hmm, it DOES sound to be a good exercise to use X11 resources, but I 
> suspect there are Windows users who need this global font size change 
> including electric-buffer mode buffer and status line and so non-X11 solution 
> is preferred.

To set the default face height go hunting in 

M-x customize-group RET faces RET

Basic Faces

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