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Use of where-is-internal

From: Paul W. Rankin
Subject: Use of where-is-internal
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 16:18:04 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 27.0.60

Hello Emacs major modes,

I'm considering of using where-is-internal in a program ~~outside of the
help library~~. I've used the following in my init for a while to cycle
windows and so far the world has persisted unscathed:

    (defun other-window-and-beyond (count &optional all-frames)
      "Select another window in cyclic ordering of windows.
    Successive pressing `o' calls `other-window'."
      (interactive "p")
      (let ((key-vector (where-is-internal this-command
                                           overriding-local-map t)))
         (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
           (define-key map (vector (aref key-vector (1- (length key-vector))))
        (other-window count all-frames)))

As the docstring implies, this function allows me to type C-x o o o o to
keep on truckin through all frame windows (and only trips me up with I
want to then immediately type "o"), with the idea being to allow the
command to work with any key binding rather than hardcoding anything.

I maintain a minor mode called olivetti that also uses a transient key
map to allow changing a buffer-local variable with C-c { { { ... The key
binding is currently hardcoded within the transient key map but I'd like
to allow user customisation.

So, should I throw caution to the wind and reimplement the transient key
map in olivetti using where-is-internal, or is there a better way?


Paul W. Rankin

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