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[Help-gnucap] convergence problems

From: Albert Zihlmann
Subject: [Help-gnucap] convergence problems
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 11:46:42 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20060607 Debian/1.7.12-1.2


I just tried to simulat a simple RC-shif oscillator with gnucap:

* models
* npn-bjt model from philips
+    IS=2.39E-14
+    NF=1.008
+    ISE=3.545E-15
+    NE=1.541
+    BF=294.3
+    IKF=0.1357
+    VAF=63.2
+    NR=1.004
+    ISC=6.272E-14
+    NC=1.243
+    BR=7.946
+    IKR=0.1144
+    VAR=25.9
+    RB=1
+    IRB=1E-06
+    RBM=1
+    RE=0.4683
+    RC=0.85
+    XTB=0
+    EG=1.11
+    XTI=3
+    CJE=1.358E-11
+    VJE=0.65
+    MJE=0.3279
+    TF=4.391E-10
+    XTF=120
+    VTF=2.643
+    ITF=0.7495
+    PTF=0
+    CJC=3.728E-12
+    VJC=0.3997
+    MJC=0.2955
+    XCJC=0.6193
+    TR=1E-32
+    CJS=0
+    VJS=0.75
+    MJS=0.333
+    FC=0.9579 )

* simple npn bjt model
.MODEL NPN NPN(Is=1.0e-16)

* circuit description

R_R1 2 1 3.3k
R_R2 3 2 470k
V_V1 1 0 dc 9.0
Q_Q1 2 3 0 QBC547B
C_C1 5 2 47n IC=1
R_R3 0 5 4.7k
C_C2 5 4 47n
R_R4 0 4 4.7k
C_C3 4 3 47n

* what to do
.print tran  v(2)
.tran 0 0.1 1e-5 UIC
.print op v(nodes)

If I try with the simple NPN model all works fine, the circuit oscillates. If I take the BC547B model (from philips/nxp home page) I get following output from gnucap:

Gnucap 0.35
The Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
Never trust any version less than 1.0
Copyright 1982-2006, Albert Davis
This is free software, and you are welcome
to redistribute it under certain conditions
according to the GNU General Public License.
See the file "COPYING" for details.
#Time v(2) 0. 0. very backward time step
convergence failure, reducing (itl4)
newtime=7.629395e-13 rejectedtime=1.525879e-12 oldtime=0.000000e+00 using=1.000000e-12
tried everything, still doesn't work, giving up

Any idea whats going wrong?

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