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pgg passphrase cache expiry not honored?

From: Brett Viren
Subject: pgg passphrase cache expiry not honored?
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2011 03:56:17 -0500


Maybe this is not Gnus related.  If off topic, feel free to tell me to
take a flying leap.

I want to move to GPG signed email with GNUS v5.13 / emacs 23.2.  It
seems the best way to do that is with PGG but am having trouble telling
it to cache my GPG passphrase longer than the default which is only a
few seconds.

Here is my setup, based on the emacs wiki and including some scatter
shotgun attempts:

(require 'pgg)
(setq mm-verify-option 'known)
(setq mm-decrypt-option 'known)
(setq gnus-buttonized-mime-types '("multipart/encrypted" "multipart/signed"))
(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'mml-secure-message-sign-pgpmime)
(setq pgg-cache-passphrase 't
      pgg-passphrase-cache-expiry 86400
      passphrase-cache-expiry 86400
      cache-passphrase t
      password-cache t
      password-cache-expiry 86400
      passphrase-cache t
      passphrase-cache-expiry 86400
      pgg-default-user-id "bv")

Any ideas as to how I can increase the passphrase caching time?


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