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Re: [Jessie-discuss] building under debian

From: Casey Marshall
Subject: Re: [Jessie-discuss] building under debian
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 17:41:18 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)

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>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Maxham <address@hidden> writes:

Mark> Howdy, I'm working on a little embedded-systems project that
Mark> needs to speak https.  It works fine with Sun's stuff on our
Mark> current x86 platform, but we'd like to move to MIPS, so I'm
Mark> trying to get everything running on kaffe and jessie.

Mark> I got kaffe 1.1.3 compiled, no problem.

Mark> I ran ./configure in the jessie 0.9.6 directory and it
Mark> complained:

Mark> "checking for gnu.crypto.sasl.srp.SRP class... configure: error:
Mark> GNU Crypto not found; is gnu-crypto.jar in your CLASSPATH?"

Mark> So got the GNU Crypto stuff, which built fine, and I went back
Mark> to jessie thinking it would go.  I got the same complaint.  I
Mark> searched for the 'SRP' class in the GNU Crypto source and didn't
Mark> see it.  I googled the class and found only three unhelpful
Mark> documents.

You need GNU Crypto 2.0.0, which will be released very, very soon (I
am in the midst of resolving where it will be distributed from).

If you can't wait, you can try a (experimental! not official!)
pre-release, available from here:


- -- 
Casey Marshall || address@hidden
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