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[Koha-devel] away & demo mode

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] away & demo mode
Date: Tue Jul 15 03:09:12 2003
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Hi all,

3 news :

* I'm away from tomorrow until july, 28.
I may read mails sometimes, but won't answer probably. (note that tomorrow i'll do a demo in dombes Abbey for a library that plans to install Koha, and I'll do the install/teaching job)

* i just commited a little patch to create a "demo mode" for Koha :
if you set "demo=1" in /etc/koha.conf, Koha is in "demo mode". In this mode, user can connect with "demo/demo", even if this user is not in members table. He can do everything, except that any modif/add/delete done in systempref or marc structure is NOT saved in the DB. This avoid demo user breaking the config. Note that if you don't change your /etc/koha.conf, nothing is changed in Koha.

* http://demo.koha-fr.org is now in 2.0.0pre2 It's in french UNIMARC with 1000 biblios from Dombes Abbey. (As it's in demo mode, you can't switch the site to english)

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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