The completion callback handler is called whenever an HTTP request has
At that point there is no way of knowing if the connection remains open.
From: address@hidden address@hidden On Behalf Of Keith Mendoza address@hidden
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 3:32 PM
To: libmicrohttpd development and user mailinglist
Subject: Re: [libmicrohttpd] connection statistics
If you're intent is to see the number of active connections at the
moment I would say that this is something that you should be able to
do from within your application. This might even prove useful to you
at some future time in handling streaming of the video data. I can't
provide any use cases, but I'm getting the "it might be useful" itch.
If I understand it correctly, the completion handler is called when
the HTTP connected between your application and the client is closed.
So, if the keep-alive is still there wouldn't that mean that the
connection is still open and the completion callback should not be
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 3:17 PM, Eivind Sarto<address@hidden> wrote:
I am using libmicrohttpd for a video streaming project.
The HTTP server load can be quite high with a large number of requests per
seconds and a high network bandwidth,
but the HTTP connections are mostly keep-alives.
In order to troubleshoot load related problems, it can be difficult to get an
idea of what is going on a given server.
I want to add some kind of server status monitoring and I would like to be able
to display the number of active
connections/requests and total connections/requests (among other things).
I can collect total and active number of requests from counters in the callback
to the default handler and the completion handler.
However, I cannot find a way to get the total and active number of connections.
The only one who can keep an accurate count of
the number of connections is the internals of the library.
Does anyone see any value to adding some statistics/counters to libmicrohttpd
that can returned via an API?
Or, is there something I am overlooking that I could do to display the number
of active connections and total connections created?