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Re: improved accidental algorithm

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: improved accidental algorithm
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 19:07:44 +0200

address@hidden writes:
> > \outputproperty  and to \turnOff AccidentalPlacement (the last thing
> > probably needs a fix that is in CVS).
> Good goodness!  *Please* simplify this!

> For good typography this is
> needed quite often I think.  Perhaps something like

I thought that you just explained how to get an algorithm that works
99% of the cases? A real solution (as opposed to kludge) for
controlling this from the input is not easy. In general, a lot of your
proposals like

>   d!4\accShift "-2"

seem to fall into the 

 Could you implement feature XXXX? It is really easy, just extend the
 syntax to allow YYYY!

category, which is answered in the FAQ by

 Never hesitate to tell us what kind of feature you need!

 However, inventing a new syntax doesn't explain much to us:
 "extending the syntax" is usually not where the real problem is. The
 complicated issue how to adapt the internals to do XXXX. The syntax
 is really a simple front end to the complicated internals.

Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden    |

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