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\displayLilyMusic -- continued

From: Nicolas Sceaux
Subject: \displayLilyMusic -- continued
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 20:34:34 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (darwin)

Here is a patch for \displayLilyMusic, plus three new files (I don't
know if I can make them appear directly in the patch?)

- scm/display-lily.scm contains the code that makes it possible to
  define display methods;

- in scm/define-music-display-methods.scm the methods are actually
  defined for each music type;

- input/regression/ contains the regression tests
  (should be pretty complete, but eh...);

- ly/ has a new definition: \displayLilyMusic,
  which acts like \displayMusic;

- scm/lily.scm loads the new scheme files;

- scm/markups.scm: an obsolete debug function (for displaying markups)
  is removed. One can use \displayLilyMusic instead (with \mark for

In addition, (display-lily-init parser) could called somewhere in a .ly
init file.


? input/regression/
? scm/define-music-display-methods.scm
? scm/display-lily.scm
Index: ly/
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ly/,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -r1.29
--- ly/  8 Jul 2005 21:34:52 -0000       1.29
+++ ly/  15 Jul 2005 18:01:18 -0000
@@ -47,6 +47,13 @@
 #(def-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
                 (display-scheme-music music)
+displayLilyMusic =
+#(def-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
+   (display-lily-init parser)
+   (display-lily-music music)
+   music)
 applyoutput =
 #(def-music-function (parser location proc) (procedure?)
                 (make-music 'ApplyOutputEvent 
Index: scm/lily.scm
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/scm/lily.scm,v
retrieving revision 1.370
diff -u -r1.370 lily.scm
--- scm/lily.scm        13 Jul 2005 18:22:35 -0000      1.370
+++ scm/lily.scm        15 Jul 2005 18:01:18 -0000
@@ -246,6 +246,9 @@
+           "display-lily.scm"
+           "define-music-display-methods.scm"
            ;; must be after everything has been defined
Index: scm/markup.scm
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/scm/markup.scm,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 markup.scm
--- scm/markup.scm      1 Jun 2005 14:26:13 -0000       1.6
+++ scm/markup.scm      15 Jul 2005 18:01:19 -0000
@@ -221,43 +221,6 @@
         (else (values (car expr) (cdr expr)))))
-;;; Debugging utilities: print markup expressions in a friendly fashion
-(use-modules (ice-9 format))
-(define (markup->string markup-expr)
-  "Return a string describing, in LilyPond syntax, the given markup 
-  (define (proc->command proc)
-    (let ((cmd-markup (symbol->string (procedure-name proc))))
-      (substring cmd-markup 0 (- (string-length cmd-markup)
-                                 (string-length "-markup")))))
-  (define (arg->string arg)
-    (cond ((and (pair? arg) (pair? (car arg))) ;; markup list
-           (format #f "~{ ~a~}" (map markup->string arg)))
-          ((pair? arg)                         ;; markup
-           (markup->string arg))
-          ((string? arg)                       ;; scheme string argument
-           (format #f "#\"~a\"" arg))
-          (else                                ;; other scheme arg
-           (format #f "#~a" arg))))
-  (let ((cmd (car markup-expr))
-        (args (cdr markup-expr)))
-    (cond ((eqv? cmd simple-markup) ;; a simple string
-           (format #f "\"~a\"" (car args)))
-          ((eqv? cmd line-markup)   ;; { ... }
-           (format #f "{~a}" (arg->string (car args))))
-          ((eqv? cmd center-align-markup) ;; \center < ... >
-           (format #f "\\center-align <~a>" (arg->string (car args))))
-          ((eqv? cmd column-markup) ;; \column < ... >
-           (format #f "\\column <~a>" (arg->string (car args))))
-          (else                ;; \command ...
-           (format #f "\\~a~{ ~a~} " (proc->command cmd) (map arg->string 
-(define-public (display-markup markup-expr)
-  "Print a LilyPond-syntax equivalent for the given markup expression."
-  (display "\\markup ")
-  (display (markup->string markup-expr)))
 ;;; Utilities for storing and accessing markup commands signature
 ;;; and keyword.
 ;;; Examples:
;;; define-music-display-methods.scm -- data for displaying music
;;; expressions using LilyPond notation.
;;; (c) 2005 Nicolas Sceaux  <address@hidden>

;;; Display method implementation

;;; Scheme forms
(define (scheme-expr->lily-string scm-arg)
  (cond ((or (number? scm-arg)
             (string? scm-arg))
         (format #f "~s" scm-arg))
        ((or (symbol? scm-arg)
             (list? scm-arg))
         (format #f "'~s" scm-arg))
        ((procedure? scm-arg)
         (format #f "~a"
                 (or (procedure-name scm-arg)
                       (lambda ()
                         (pretty-print (procedure-source scm-arg)))))))
         (format #f "~a"
                   (lambda ()
                     (display-scheme-music scm-arg)))))))
;;; Markups

(define-public (markup->lily-string markup-expr)
  "Return a string describing, in LilyPond syntax, the given markup expression."
  (define (proc->command proc)
    (let ((cmd-markup (symbol->string (procedure-name proc))))
      (substring cmd-markup 0 (- (string-length cmd-markup)
                                 (string-length "-markup")))))
  (define (arg->string arg)
    (cond ((string? arg)
           (format #f "~s" arg))
          ((markup? arg) ;; a markup
           (markup->lily-string-aux arg))
          ((and (pair? arg) (every markup? arg)) ;; a markup list
           (format #f "{~{ ~a~}}" (map-in-order markup->lily-string-aux arg)))
          (else          ;; a scheme argument
           (format #f "#~a" (scheme-expr->lily-string arg)))))
  (define (markup->lily-string-aux expr)
    (let ((cmd (car expr))
          (args (cdr expr)))
      (if (eqv? cmd simple-markup) ;; a simple string
          (format #f "~s" (car args))
          (format #f "\\~a~{ ~a~}" 
                  (proc->command cmd)
                  (map-in-order arg->string args)))))
  (cond ((string? markup-expr)
         (format #f "~s" markup-expr))
        ((eqv? (car markup-expr) simple-markup)
         (format #f "~s" (second markup-expr)))
         (format #f "\\markup ~a"
                 (markup->lily-string-aux markup-expr)))))
;;; pitch names
(define note-names '())

(define (set-note-names! pitchnames)
  (set! note-names (map-in-order (lambda (name+lypitch)
                                   (cons (cdr name+lypitch) (car name+lypitch)))

(define (pitch= pitch1 pitch2)
  (and (= (ly:pitch-notename pitch1) (ly:pitch-notename pitch2))
       (= (ly:pitch-alteration pitch1) (ly:pitch-alteration pitch2))))

(define (note-name->lily-string ly-pitch)
  (let ((result (assoc ly-pitch note-names pitch=))) ;; assoc from srfi-1
    (if result
        (cdr result)

(define (octave->lily-string pitch)
  (let ((octave (ly:pitch-octave pitch)))
    (cond ((>= octave 0)
           (make-string (1+ octave) #\'))
          ((< octave -1)
           (make-string (1- (* -1 octave)) #\,))
          (else ""))))

;;; durations
(define (duration= lydur1 lydur2)
  (and (= (ly:duration-log lydur1) (ly:duration-log lydur2))
       (= (ly:duration-dot-count lydur1) (ly:duration-dot-count lydur2))
       (equal? (ly:duration-factor lydur1) (ly:duration-factor lydur2))))

(define* (duration->lily-string ly-duration #:key (prev-duration 
                        (force-duration (*force-duration*))
                        (time-factor-numerator (*time-factor-numerator*))
                        (time-factor-denominator (*time-factor-denominator*)))
  (let ((log2    (ly:duration-log ly-duration))
        (dots    (ly:duration-dot-count ly-duration))
        (num+den (ly:duration-factor ly-duration)))
    (if (or force-duration (not prev-duration) (not (duration= ly-duration 
        (string-append (case log2
                         ((-1) "\\breve")
                         ((-2) "\\longa")
                         ((-3) "\\maxima")
                         (else (number->string (expt 2 log2))))
                       (make-string dots #\.)
                       (let ((num? (not (or (= 1 (car num+den))
                                            (and time-factor-numerator
                                                 (= (car num+den) 
                             (den? (not (or (= 1 (cdr num+den))
                                            (and time-factor-denominator
                                                 (= (cdr num+den) 
                         (cond (den?
                                (format #f "*~a/~a" (car num+den) (cdr 
                                (format #f "*~a" (car num+den)))
                               (else ""))))

;;; post events

(define post-event? (make-music-type-predicate  

(define* (event-direction->lily-string event #:optional (required #t))
  (let ((direction (ly:music-property event 'direction)))
    (cond ((or (not direction) (null? direction) (= 0 direction))
           (if required "-" ""))
          ((= 1 direction) "^")
          ((= -1 direction) "_")
          (else ""))))

(define-macro (define-post-event-display-method type vars direction-required 
  `(define-display-method ,type ,vars
     (format #f "~a~a"
             (event-direction->lily-string ,(car vars) ,direction-required)

(define-macro (define-span-event-display-method type vars direction-required 
str-start str-stop)
  `(define-display-method ,type ,vars
     (format #f "~a~a"
             (event-direction->lily-string ,(car vars) ,direction-required)
             (if (= -1 (ly:music-property ,(car vars) 'span-direction))

(define-display-method HyphenEvent (event)
  " --")
(define-display-method ExtenderEvent (event)
  " __")
(define-display-method TieEvent (event)
  " ~")
(define-display-method BeamForbidEvent (event)
(define-display-method StringNumberEvent (event)
  (format #f "\\~a" (ly:music-property event 'string-number)))

(define-display-method TremoloEvent (event)
  (let ((tremolo-type (ly:music-property event 'tremolo-type)))
    (format #f ":~a" (if (= 0 tremolo-type)

(define-post-event-display-method ArticulationEvent (event) #t
  (let ((articulation  (ly:music-property event 'articulation-type)))
    (case (string->symbol articulation)
      ((marcato) "^")
      ((stopped) "+")
      ((tenuto)  "-")
      ((staccatissimo) "|")
      ((accent) ">")
      ((staccato) ".")
      ((portato) "_")
      (else (format #f "\\~a" articulation)))))

(define-post-event-display-method FingerEvent (event) #t
  (ly:music-property event 'digit))

(define-post-event-display-method TextScriptEvent (event) #t
  (markup->lily-string (ly:music-property event 'text)))

(define-post-event-display-method MultiMeasureTextEvent (event) #t
  (markup->lily-string (ly:music-property event 'text)))

(define-post-event-display-method HarmonicEvent (event) #t "\\harmonic")
(define-post-event-display-method GlissandoEvent (event) #t "\\glissando")
(define-post-event-display-method ArpeggioEvent (event) #t "\\arpeggio")
(define-post-event-display-method AbsoluteDynamicEvent (event) #f
  (format #f "\\~a" (ly:music-property event 'text)))

(define-span-event-display-method BeamEvent (event) #f "[" "]")
(define-span-event-display-method SlurEvent (event) #f "(" ")")
(define-span-event-display-method CrescendoEvent (event) #f "\\<" "\\!")
(define-span-event-display-method DecrescendoEvent (event) #f "\\>" "\\!")
(define-span-event-display-method PhrasingSlurEvent (event) #f "\\(" "\\)")
(define-span-event-display-method SustainEvent (event) #f "\\sustainDown" 
(define-span-event-display-method SostenutoEvent (event) #f "\\sostenutoDown" 
(define-span-event-display-method ManualMelismaEvent (event) #f "\\melisma" 
(define-span-event-display-method TextSpanEvent (event) #f "\\startTextSpan" 
(define-span-event-display-method TrillSpanEvent (event) #f "\\startTrillSpan" 
(define-span-event-display-method StaffSpanEvent (event) #f "\\startStaff" 
(define-span-event-display-method NoteGroupingEvent (event) #f "\\startGroup" 
(define-span-event-display-method UnaCordaEvent (event) #f "\\unaCorda" 

;;; Graces

(define-display-method GraceMusic (expr)
  (format #f "\\grace ~a" 
          (music->lily-string (ly:music-property expr 'element))))

;; \acciaccatura \appoggiatura \grace
;; TODO: it would be better to compare ?start and ?stop
;; with startAppoggiaturaMusic and stopAppoggiaturaMusic,
;; using a custom music equality predicate.
(define-extra-display-method GraceMusic (expr)
  "Display method for appoggiatura."
  (with-music-match (expr (music
                           element (music
                                    elements (?start
    ;; we check whether ?start and ?stop look like
    ;; startAppoggiaturaMusic stopAppoggiaturaMusic
    (and (with-music-match (?start (music 
                                    elements ((music
                                               elements ((music
(ly:make-duration 0 0 0 1))
          (with-music-match (?stop (music 
                                    elements ((music
                                               elements ((music
(ly:make-duration 0 0 0 1))
                                                          span-direction 1))))))
            (format #f "\\appoggiatura ~a" (music->lily-string ?music))))))

(define-extra-display-method GraceMusic (expr)
  "Display method for acciaccatura."
  (with-music-match (expr (music
                           element (music
                                    elements (?start
    ;; we check whether ?start and ?stop look like
    ;; startAcciaccaturaMusic stopAcciaccaturaMusic
    (and (with-music-match (?start (music 
                                    elements ((music
                                               elements ((music
(ly:make-duration 0 0 0 1))
                                                          span-direction -1)))
                                               element (music
                                                        grob-value "grace"
                                                        symbol 'Stem)))))
         (with-music-match (?stop (music 
                                   elements ((music
                                              element (music
                                                       symbol 'Stem))
                                              elements ((music
(ly:make-duration 0 0 0 1))
                                                         span-direction 1))))))
           (format #f "\\acciaccatura ~a" (music->lily-string ?music))))))

(define-extra-display-method GraceMusic (expr)
  "Display method for grace."
  (with-music-match (expr (music
                           element (music
                                    elements (?start
    ;; we check whether ?start and ?stop look like
    ;; startGraceMusic stopGraceMusic
    (and (null? (ly:music-property ?start 'elements))
         (null? (ly:music-property ?stop 'elements))
         (format #f "\\grace ~a" (music->lily-string ?music)))))

;;; Music sequences

(define-display-method SequentialMusic (seq)
  (let ((force-line-break (and (*force-line-break*)
                               ;; hm 
                               (> (length (ly:music-property seq 'elements))
        (elements (ly:music-property seq 'elements))
        (chord? (make-music-type-predicate 'EventChord))
        (cluster? (make-music-type-predicate 'ClusterNoteEvent))
        (note? (make-music-type-predicate 'NoteEvent)))
    (format #f "~a~a{~v%~v_~{~a ~}~v%~v_}"
            (if (any (lambda (e)
                       (and (chord? e)
                            (any cluster? (ly:music-property e 'elements))))
                "\\makeClusters "
            (if (*explicit-mode*)
                ;; if the sequence contains EventChord which contains figures 
==> figuremode
                ;; if the sequence contains EventChord which contains lyrics 
==> lyricmode
                ;; if the sequence contains EventChord which contains drum 
notes ==> drummode
                (cond ((any (lambda (chord)
                              (any (make-music-type-predicate 'BassFigureEvent)
                                   (ly:music-property chord 'elements)))
                            (filter chord? elements))
                       "\\figuremode ")
                      ((any (lambda (chord)
                              (any (make-music-type-predicate 'LyricEvent)
                                   (ly:music-property chord 'elements)))
                            (filter chord? elements))
                       "\\lyricmode ")
                      ((any (lambda (chord)
                              (any (lambda (event)
                                     (and (note? event)
                                          (not (null? (ly:music-property event 
                                   (ly:music-property chord 'elements)))
                            (filter chord? elements))
                       "\\drummode ")
                      (else ;; TODO: other modes?
            (if force-line-break 1 0)
            (if force-line-break (+ 2 (*indent*)) 1)
            (parameterize ((*indent* (+ 2 (*indent*))))
                          (map-in-order music->lily-string elements))
            (if force-line-break 1 0)
            (if force-line-break (*indent*) 0))))

(define-display-method SimultaneousMusic (sim)
  (parameterize ((*indent* (+ 3 (*indent*))))
    (format #f "<< ~{~a ~}>>"
            (map-in-order music->lily-string (ly:music-property sim 

(define-extra-display-method SimultaneousMusic (expr)
  "If `sim' is an \afterGrace expression, return \"\\afterGrace ...\".
Otherwise, return #f."
  ;; TODO: do something with afterGraceFraction?
  (with-music-match (expr (music 'SimultaneousMusic
                                 elements (?before-grace
                                           (music 'SequentialMusic
                                                  elements ((music 'SkipMusic)
                                                            (music 'GraceMusic
    (format #f "\\afterGrace ~a ~a"
            (music->lily-string ?before-grace)
            (music->lily-string ?grace))))
;;; Chords

(define-display-method EventChord (chord)
  ;; event_chord : simple_element post_events
  ;;               | command_element
  ;;               | note_chord_element

  ;; TODO : tagged post_events
  ;; post_events : ( post_event | tagged_post_event )*
  ;; tagged_post_event: '-' \tag embedded_scm post_event

  (let* ((elements (ly:music-property chord 'elements))
         (simple-elements (filter (make-music-type-predicate 
                                   'NoteEvent 'ClusterNoteEvent 'RestEvent
                                   'MultiMeasureRestEvent 'SkipEvent 
    (if ((make-music-type-predicate 'StaffSpanEvent 'BreathingSignEvent) (car 
        ;; first, a special case: StaffSpanEvent (\startStaff, \stopStaff)
        ;; and BreathingSignEvent (\breathe)
        (music->lily-string (car elements))
        (if (and (not (null? simple-elements))
                 (null? (cdr simple-elements)))
            ;; simple_element : note | figure | rest | mmrest | lyric_element | 
            (let* ((simple-element (car simple-elements))
                   (duration (ly:music-property simple-element 'duration))
                   (lily-string (format #f "~a~a~a~{~a ~}"
                                        (music->lily-string simple-element)
                                        (duration->lily-string duration)
                                        (if (and ((make-music-type-predicate 
'RestEvent) simple-element)
                                                 (ly:pitch? (ly:music-property 
simple-element 'pitch)))
                                        (map-in-order music->lily-string 
(filter post-event? elements)))))
              (*previous-duration* duration)
            (let ((chord-elements (filter (make-music-type-predicate
                                           'NoteEvent 'ClusterNoteEvent 
                  (post-events (filter post-event? elements)))
              (if (not (null? chord-elements))
                  ;; note_chord_element : '<' (notepitch | drumpitch)* '>" 
duration post_events
                  (let ((lily-string (format #f "< ~{~a ~}>~a~{~a ~}"
                                             (map-in-order music->lily-string 
(ly:music-property (car chord-elements)
                                             (map-in-order music->lily-string 
                    (*previous-duration* (ly:music-property (car 
chord-elements) 'duration))
                  ;; command_element
                  (format #f "~{~a ~}" (map-in-order music->lily-string 

(define-display-method MultiMeasureRestMusicGroup (mmrest)
  (format #f "~{~a ~}"
          (map-in-order music->lily-string 
                        (remove (make-music-type-predicate 'BarCheck)
                                (ly:music-property mmrest 'elements)))))

(define-display-method SkipMusic (skip)
  (format #f "\\skip ~a" (duration->lily-string (ly:music-property skip 
'duration) #:force-duration #t)))

;;; Notes, rests, skips...

(define (simple-note->lily-string event)
  (format #f "~a~a~a~a~{~a~}" ; pitchname octave !? octave-check articulations
          (note-name->lily-string (ly:music-property event 'pitch))
          (octave->lily-string (ly:music-property event 'pitch))
          (let ((forced (ly:music-property event 'force-accidental))
                (cautionary (ly:music-property event 'cautionary)))
            (cond ((and (not (null? forced))
                        (not (null? cautionary))
                  ((and (not (null? forced)) forced) "!")
                  (else "")))
          (let ((octave-check (ly:music-property event 'absolute-octave)))
            (if (not (null? octave-check))
                (format #f "=~a" (cond ((>= octave-check 0)
                                        (make-string (1+ octave-check) #\'))
                                       ((< octave-check -1)
                                        (make-string (1- (* -1 octave-check)) 
                                       (else "")))
          (map-in-order music->lily-string (ly:music-property event 

(define-display-method NoteEvent (note)
  (cond ((not (null? (ly:music-property note 'pitch))) ;; note
         (simple-note->lily-string note))
        ((not (null? (ly:music-property note 'drum-type))) ;; drum
         (format #f "~a" (ly:music-property note 'drum-type)))
        (else ;; unknown?

(define-display-method ClusterNoteEvent (note)
  (simple-note->lily-string note))

(define-display-method RestEvent (rest)
  (if (not (null? (ly:music-property rest 'pitch)))
      (simple-note->lily-string rest)

(define-display-method MultiMeasureRestEvent (rest)

(define-display-method SkipEvent (rest)

(define-display-method MarkEvent (mark)
  (let ((label (ly:music-property mark 'label)))
    (if (null? label)
        "\\mark \\default"
        (format #f "\\mark ~a" (markup->lily-string label)))))

(define-display-method MetronomeChangeEvent (tempo)
  (format #f "\\tempo ~a = ~a"
          (duration->lily-string (ly:music-property tempo 'tempo-unit) 
#:force-duration #f #:prev-duration #f)
          (ly:music-property tempo 'metronome-count)))

(define-display-method KeyChangeEvent (key)
  (let ((pitch-alist (ly:music-property key 'pitch-alist))
        (tonic (ly:music-property key 'tonic)))
    (if (or (null? pitch-alist)
            (null? tonic))
        "\\key \\default"
        (let ((c-pitch-alist (ly:transpose-key-alist pitch-alist 
(ly:make-pitch 0 0 0) tonic))))
          (format #f "\\key ~a \\~a~a"
                  (note-name->lily-string (ly:music-property key 'tonic))
                  (any (lambda (mode)
                         (if (equal? (ly:parser-lookup (*parser*) mode) 
                             (symbol->string mode)
                       '(major minor ionian locrian aeolian mixolydian lydian 
phrygian dorian))

(define-display-method RelativeOctaveCheck (octave)
  (let ((pitch (ly:music-property octave 'pitch)))
    (format #f "\\octave ~a~a"
            (note-name->lily-string pitch)
            (octave->lily-string pitch))))

(define-display-method VoiceSeparator (sep)

(define-display-method LigatureEvent (ligature)
  (if (= -1 (ly:music-property ligature 'span-direction))

(define-display-method BarCheck (check)
  (format #f "|~a" (new-line->lily-string)))

(define-display-method BreakEvent (br)
  "\\break") ;; TODO: use page-penalty, penalty properties?

(define-display-method PesOrFlexaEvent (expr)

(define-display-method BassFigureEvent (figure)
  (let ((alteration (ly:music-property figure 'alteration))
        (fig (ly:music-property figure 'figure))
        (bracket-start (ly:music-property figure 'bracket-start))
        (bracket-stop (ly:music-property figure 'bracket-stop)))
    (format #f "~a~a~a~a"
            (if (null? bracket-start) "" "[")
            (if (null? fig) 
                (second fig)) ;; fig: (<number-markup> "number")
            (if (null? alteration)
                (case alteration
                  ((-4) "--")
                  ((-2) "-")
                  ((0) "!")
                  ((2) "+")
                  ((4) "++")
                  (else "")))
            (if (null? bracket-stop) "" "]"))))

(define-display-method LyricEvent (lyric)
  (let ((text (ly:music-property lyric 'text)))
    (if (eqv? (first text) simple-markup) ;; a simple markup
        (let ((string (second text)))
          (if (string-match "(\"| |[0-9])" string)
              ;; TODO check exactly in which cases double quotes should be used
              (format #f "~s" string)
        (markup->lily-string text))))

(define-display-method BreathingSignEvent (event)

;;; Staff switches

(define-display-method AutoChangeMusic (m)
  ;; TODO: do something with the split-list property?
  (format #f "\\autochange ~a"
          (music->lily-string (ly:music-property m 'element))))

(define-display-method ContextChange (m)
  (format #f "\\change ~a = \"~a\""
          (ly:music-property m 'change-to-type)
          (ly:music-property m 'change-to-id)))


(define-display-method TimeScaledMusic (times)
  (let* ((num (ly:music-property times 'numerator))
         (den (ly:music-property times 'denominator))
         (nd-gcd (gcd num den)))
    (parameterize ((*force-line-break* #f)
                   (*time-factor-numerator* (/ num nd-gcd))
                   (*time-factor-denominator* (/ den nd-gcd)))
      (format #f "\\times ~a/~a ~a" 
              (music->lily-string (ly:music-property times 'element))))))

(define-display-method RelativeOctaveMusic (m)
  (music->lily-string (ly:music-property m 'element)))

(define-display-method TransposedMusic (m)
  (music->lily-string (ly:music-property m 'element)))

;;; Repeats

(define (repeat->lily-string expr repeat-type)
  (format #f "\\repeat ~a ~a ~a ~a"
          (ly:music-property expr 'repeat-count)
          (music->lily-string (ly:music-property expr 'element))
          (let ((alternatives (ly:music-property expr 'elements)))
            (if (null? alternatives)
                (format #f "\\alternative { ~{~a ~}}"
                        (map-in-order music->lily-string alternatives))))))

(define-display-method VoltaRepeatedMusic (expr)
  (repeat->lily-string expr "volta"))

(define-display-method UnfoldedRepeatedMusic (expr)
  (repeat->lily-string expr "unfold"))

(define-display-method FoldedRepeatedMusic (expr)
  (repeat->lily-string expr "fold"))

(define-display-method PercentRepeatedMusic (expr)
  (repeat->lily-string expr "percent"))

(define-display-method TremoloRepeatedMusic (expr)
  (let* ((count (ly:music-property expr 'repeat-count))
         (dots (if (= 0 (modulo count 3)) 0 1))
         (shift (- (log2 (if (= 0 dots)
                             (/ (* count 2) 3)
         (element (ly:music-property expr 'element))
         (den-mult 1))
    (if (eqv? (ly:music-property element 'name) 'SequentialMusic)
          (set! shift (1- shift))
          (set! den-mult (length (ly:music-property element 'elements)))))
    (music-map (lambda (m)
                 (let ((duration (ly:music-property m 'duration)))
                   (if (ly:duration? duration)
                       (let* ((dlog (ly:duration-log duration))
                              (ddots (ly:duration-dot-count duration))
                              (dfactor (ly:duration-factor duration))
                              (dnum (car dfactor))
                              (dden (cdr dfactor)))
                         (set! (ly:music-property m 'duration)
                               (ly:make-duration (- dlog shift)
                                                 ddots ;;(- ddots dots) ; ????
                                                 (/ dden den-mult))))))
    (format #f "\\repeat tremolo ~a ~a"
            (music->lily-string element))))

;;; Contexts

(define-display-method ContextSpeccedMusic (expr)
  (let ((id    (ly:music-property expr 'context-id))
        (music (ly:music-property expr 'element))
        (operations (ly:music-property expr 'property-operations))
        (ctype (ly:music-property expr 'context-type)))
    (format #f "~a ~a~a~a ~a"
            (if (and (not (null? id)) 
                     (equal? id "$uniqueContextId"))
            (if (or (null? id)
                    (equal? id "$uniqueContextId"))
                (format #f " = ~s" id))
            (if (null? operations)
                (format #f " \\with {~{~a~}~%~v_}" 
                        (parameterize ((*indent* (+ (*indent*) 2)))
                          (map (lambda (op)
                                 (format #f "~%~v_\\~a ~s"
                                         (first op)
                                         (second op)))
                               (reverse operations)))
            (parameterize ((*current-context* ctype))
              (music->lily-string music)))))

;; special cases: \figures \lyrics \drums
(define-extra-display-method ContextSpeccedMusic (expr)
  (with-music-match (expr (music 'ContextSpeccedMusic
                                 context-id "$uniqueContextId"
                                 property-operations ?op
                                 context-type ?context-type
                                 element ?sequence))
    (if (null? ?op)
        (parameterize ((*explicit-mode* #f))
          (case ?context-type
             (format #f "\\figures ~a" (music->lily-string ?sequence)))
             (format #f "\\lyrics ~a" (music->lily-string ?sequence)))
             (format #f "\\drums ~a" (music->lily-string ?sequence)))

;;; Context properties

(define-extra-display-method ContextSpeccedMusic (expr)
  (let ((element (ly:music-property expr 'element))
        (property-tuning? (make-music-type-predicate 'PropertySet
        (sequence? (make-music-type-predicate 'SequentialMusic)))
    (if (and (ly:music? element)
             (or (property-tuning? element)
                 (and (sequence? element)
                      (every property-tuning? (ly:music-property element 
        (parameterize ((*current-context* (ly:music-property expr 
          (music->lily-string element))

(define (property-value->lily-string arg)
  (cond ((ly:music? arg)
         (music->lily-string arg))
        ((string? arg)
         (format #f "#~s" arg))
        ((markup? arg)
         (markup->lily-string arg))
         (format #f "#~a" (scheme-expr->lily-string arg)))))

(define-display-method PropertySet (expr)
  (let ((property (ly:music-property expr 'symbol))
        (value (ly:music-property expr 'value))
        (once (ly:music-property expr 'once)))
    (format #f "~a\\set ~a~a = ~a~a"
            (if (and (not (null? once)))
                "\\once "
            (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom) 
                (format #f "~a . " (*current-context*)))
            (property-value->lily-string value)

(define-display-method PropertyUnset (expr)
  (format #f "\\unset ~a~a~a"
          (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom) 
              (format #f "~a . " (*current-context*)))
          (ly:music-property expr 'symbol)

;;; Layout properties

(define-display-method OverrideProperty (expr)
  (let ((symbol   (ly:music-property expr 'symbol))
        (property (ly:music-property expr 'grob-property))
        (value    (ly:music-property expr 'grob-value))
        (once     (ly:music-property expr 'once)))
    (format #f "~a\\override ~a~a #'~a = ~a~a"
            (if (or (null? once)
                    (not once))
                "\\once ")
            (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom) 
                (format #f "~a . " (*current-context*)))
            (property-value->lily-string value)
(define-display-method RevertProperty (expr)
  (let ((symbol (ly:music-property expr 'symbol))
        (property (ly:music-property expr 'grob-property)))
    (format #f "\\revert ~a~a #'~a~a"
            (if (eqv? (*current-context*) 'Bottom) 
                (format #f "~a . " (*current-context*)))

;;; \clef 
(define clef-name-alist (map (lambda (name+vals)
                               (cons (cdr name+vals)
                                     (car name+vals)))

(define-extra-display-method ContextSpeccedMusic (expr)
  "If `expr' is a clef change, return \"\\clef ...\"
Otherwise, return #f."
  (with-music-match (expr (music 'ContextSpeccedMusic
                                 context-type 'Staff
                                 element (music 'SequentialMusic
                                                elements ((music 'PropertySet
                                                          (music 'PropertySet
                                                          (music 'PropertySet
                                                          (music 'PropertySet
    (let ((clef-prop+name (assoc (list ?clef-glyph ?clef-position 0)
      (if clef-prop+name
          (format #f "\\clef \"~a~{~a~a~}\"~a"
                  (cdr clef-prop+name)
                  (cond ((= 0 ?clef-octavation)
                         (list "" ""))
                        ((> ?clef-octavation 0)
                         (list "^" (1+ ?clef-octavation)))
                         (list "_" (- 1 ?clef-octavation))))

;;; \time
(define-extra-display-method ContextSpeccedMusic (expr)
  "If `expr' is a time signature set, return \"\\time ...\".
Otherwise, return #f."
  (with-music-match (expr (music 
                           element (music 
                                    context-type 'Timing
                                    element (music 
                                             elements ((music 
                                                        value ?num+den
                                                        symbol 'beatLength)
                                                        symbol 'measureLength)
                                                        value ?grouping
    (if (null? ?grouping)
        (format #f "\\time ~a/~a~a" (car ?num+den) (cdr ?num+den) 
        (format #f "#(set-time-signature ~a ~a '~s)~a"
                (car ?num+den) (cdr ?num+den) ?grouping 

;;; \bar
(define-extra-display-method ContextSpeccedMusic (expr)
  "If `expr' is a bar, return \"\\bar ...\".
Otherwise, return #f."
  (with-music-match (expr (music
                           element (music
                                    context-type 'Timing
                                    element (music
                                             value ?bar-type
                                             symbol 'whichBar))))
     (format #f "\\bar \"~a\"~a" ?bar-type (new-line->lily-string))))

;;; \partial
(define (duration->moment ly-duration)
  (let ((log2    (ly:duration-log ly-duration))
        (dots    (ly:duration-dot-count ly-duration))
        (num+den (ly:duration-factor ly-duration)))
    (let* ((m (expt 2 (- log2)))
           (factor (/ (car num+den) (cdr num+den))))
      (/ (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
              (delta (/ m 2) (/ delta 2)))
             ((= i dots) m)
           (set! m (+ m delta)))
(define moment-duration-alist (map (lambda (duration)
                                     (cons (duration->moment duration)
                                   (append-map (lambda (log2)
                                                 (map (lambda (dots)
                                                        (ly:make-duration log2 
dots 1 1))
                                                      (list 0 1 2 3)))
                                               (list 0 1 2 3 4))))

(define (moment->duration moment)
  (let ((result (assoc (- moment) moment-duration-alist)))
    (and result 
         (cdr result))))

(define-extra-display-method ContextSpeccedMusic (expr)
  "If `expr' is a partial measure, return \"\\partial ...\".
Otherwise, return #f."
  (with-music-match (expr (music
                           element (music
                                    context-type 'Timing
                                    element (music
                                             value ?moment
                                             symbol 'measurePosition))))
     (let ((duration (moment->duration (/ (ly:moment-main-numerator ?moment)
       (and duration (format #f "\\partial ~a" (duration->lily-string duration 
#:force-duration #t))))))


(define-display-method ApplyOutputEvent (applyoutput)
  (let ((proc (ly:music-property applyoutput 'procedure))))
    (format #f "\\applyoutput #~a"
            (or (procedure-name proc)
                  (lambda ()
                    (pretty-print (procedure-source proc)))))))

(define-display-method ApplyContext (applycontext)
  (let ((proc (ly:music-property applycontext 'procedure))))
    (format #f "\\applycontext #~a"
            (or (procedure-name proc)
                  (lambda ()
                    (pretty-print (procedure-source proc)))))))

;;; \partcombine
(define-display-method PartCombineMusic (expr)
  (format #f "\\partcombine ~{~a ~}"
          (map-in-order music->lily-string (ly:music-property expr 'elements))))

(define-extra-display-method PartCombineMusic (expr)
  (with-music-match (expr (music 'PartCombineMusic
                                 elements ((music 'UnrelativableMusic
                                                  element (music 
                                           (music 'UnrelativableMusic
                                                  element (music 
    (format #f "\\partcombine ~a~a~a"
            (music->lily-string ?sequence1)
            (music->lily-string ?sequence2))))

(define-display-method UnrelativableMusic (expr)
  (music->lily-string (ly:music-property expr 'element)))

;;; Cue notes
(define-display-method QuoteMusic (expr)
  (or (with-music-match (expr (music
                               quoted-voice-direction ?quoted-voice-direction
                               quoted-music-name ?quoted-music-name
                               quoted-context-id "cue"
                               quoted-context-type 'Voice
                               element ?music))
        (format #f "\\cueDuring #~s #~a ~a"
                (music->lily-string ?music)))
      (format #f "\\quoteDuring #~s ~a"
              (ly:music-property expr 'quoted-music-name)
              (music->lily-string (ly:music-property expr 'element)))))

;;; Lyrics

;;; \lyricsto
(define-display-method LyricCombineMusic (expr)
  (format #f "\\lyricsto ~s ~a"
          (ly:music-property expr 'associated-context)
          (parameterize ((*explicit-mode* #f))
            (music->lily-string (ly:music-property expr 'element)))))

(define-display-method OldLyricCombineMusic (expr)
  (format #f "\\oldaddlyrics ~a~a~a"
          (music->lily-string (first (ly:music-property expr 'elements)))
          (music->lily-string (second (ly:music-property expr 'elements)))))

;; \addlyrics
(define-extra-display-method SimultaneousMusic (expr)
  (with-music-match (expr (music 'SimultaneousMusic
                                 elements ((music 'ContextSpeccedMusic
                                                  context-id ?id
                                                  ;;property-operations '()
                                                  context-type 'Voice
                                                  element ?note-sequence)
                                           (music 'ContextSpeccedMusic
                                                  context-id "$uniqueContextId"
                                                  ;;property-operations '()
                                                  context-type 'Lyrics
                                                  element (music 
associated-context ?associated-id
    (if (string=? ?id ?associated-id)
        (format #f "~a~a \\addlyrics ~a"
                (music->lily-string ?note-sequence)
                (parameterize ((*explicit-mode* #f))
                  (music->lily-string ?lyric-sequence)))

;;; display-lily.scm -- Display music expressions using LilyPond notation
;;; (c) 2005 Nicolas Sceaux  <address@hidden>

;;; - This file defines the procedures used to define display methods for each
;;; music type: define-display-method and define-extra-display-method.
;;; See scm/define-music-display-methods.scm
;;; Display methods are stored in the `display-methods' property of each music
;;; type.
;;; - `display-lily-music' can be called to display a music expression using
;;; LilyPond notation. `music->lily-string' return a string describing a music
;;; expression using LilyPond notation.
;;; - `with-music-match' can be used to destructure a music expression, 
;;; some interesting properties.
;;; - `display-lily-init' must be called before using `display-lily-music'. It
;;; takes a parser object as an argument.

(use-modules (ice-9 optargs)
             (ice-9 format)
             (ice-9 regex)
             (ice-9 pretty-print)
             (srfi srfi-1)
             (srfi srfi-13)
             (srfi srfi-39))
;;(use-syntax (srfi srfi-39))
;;(use-syntax (ice-9 optargs))

;;; Display method definition and call

(define-macro (define-display-method music-type vars . body)
  "Define a display method for a music type and store it in the
`display-methods' property of the music type entry found in the
`music-name-to-property-table' hash table. Print methods previously
defined for that music type are lost. 
Syntax: (define-display-method MusicType (expression)
  `(let ((type-props (hashq-ref music-name-to-property-table
                                ',music-type '()))
         (method (lambda ,vars
     (set! type-props
           (assoc-set! type-props 'display-methods (list method)))
     (hashq-set! music-name-to-property-table

(define-macro (define-extra-display-method music-type vars . body)
  "Add a display method for a music type. A primary display method
is supposed to have been previously defined with `define-display-method'.
This new method should return a string or #f. If #f is returned, the next
display method will be called."
  `(let* ((type-props (hashq-ref music-name-to-property-table
                                 ',music-type '()))
          (methods (assoc-ref type-props 'display-methods))
          (new-method (lambda ,vars
     (set! type-props
           (assoc-set! type-props
                       (cons new-method methods)))
     (hashq-set! music-name-to-property-table

(define* (tag->lily-string expr #:optional (post-event? #f))
  (let ((tags (ly:music-property expr 'tags)))
    (cond ((null? tags)
          ((null? (cdr tags))
           (format #f "~a\\tag #'~a " (if post-event? "-" "") (car tags)))
           (format #f "~a\\tag #'(~a~{ ~a~}) " (if post-event? "-" "") (car 
tags) (cdr tags))))))

(define-public (music->lily-string expr)
  "Print expr, a music expression, in LilyPond syntax"
  (if (ly:music? expr)
      (let* ((music-type (ly:music-property expr 'name))
             (procs (assoc-ref (hashq-ref music-name-to-property-table
                                          music-type '())
             (result-string (and procs (any (lambda (proc)
                                              (proc expr))
        (if result-string
            (format #f "~a~a" 
                    (tag->lily-string expr (post-event? expr))
            (format #f "%{ Print method not implemented for music type ~a %}"
      (format #f "%{ expecting a music expression: ~a %}" expr)))

(define*-public (display-lily-music expr #:key force-duration)
  (parameterize ((*indent* 0)
                 (*previous-duration* (ly:make-duration 2))
                 (*force-duration* force-duration))
    (display (music->lily-string expr))

;;; Music pattern matching

(define (var? x)
  (and (symbol? x) (char=? #\? (string-ref (symbol->string x) 0))))

(define (music? x)
  (and (pair? x) (eqv? (car x) 'music)))

(define (music-list? x)
  (and (pair? x)
       (every music? x)))

(define (music-or-var-list? x)
  (and (pair? x)
       (every (lambda (e)
                (or (music? e) (var? e)))

(define (key-val-list->alist lst)
  (define (key-val-list->alist-aux lst prev-result)
    (if (null? lst)
        (key-val-list->alist-aux (cddr lst)
                                 (cons (cons (first lst) (second lst))
  (reverse! (key-val-list->alist-aux lst (list))))

(define (gen-condition expr pattern)
  "Helper function for `with-music-match'.
Generate an form that checks if the properties of `expr'
match thoses desscribed in `pattern'."
  (let* (;; all (property . value) found at the first depth in pattern,
         ;; including a (name . <Musictype>) pair.
         (pat-all-props (cons (cons 'name (second pattern))
                              (key-val-list->alist (cddr pattern))))
         ;; all (property . value) pairs found in pattern, where value is not
         ;; a ?var, a music expression or a music list.
         (prop-vals (remove (lambda (kons)
                             (or (var? (cdr kons))
                                 (music? (cdr kons))
                                 (music-or-var-list? (cdr kons))))
         ;; list of (property . element) pairs, where element is a music 
         (element-list (filter (lambda (kons) (music? (cdr kons)))
         ;; list of (property . (e1 e2 ..)) pairs, where (e1 e2 ...) is a 
         ;; list a music expressions
         (elements-list (filter (lambda (kons) (music-or-var-list? (cdr kons)))
      ;; a form that checks that `expr' is a music expression
      ;; before actually accessing its properties...
      (ly:music? ,expr)
      ;; a form that checks that `expr' properties have the same
      ;; values as those given in `pattern'
      ,@(map (lambda (prop-val)
               (let ((prop (car prop-val))
                     (val (cdr prop-val)))
                 `(and (not (null? (ly:music-property ,expr ',prop)))
                       (equal? (ly:music-property ,expr ',prop) ,val))))
      ;; build the test condition for each element found in a (property . 
element) pair.
      ;; (typically, property will be 'element)
      ,@(map (lambda (prop-element)
               (gen-condition `(ly:music-property ,expr ',(car prop-element)) 
(cdr prop-element)))
      ;; build the test conditions for each element found in a (property . (e1 
e2 ...)) pair.
      ;; this requires accessing to an element of a list, hence the index.
      ;; (typically, property will be 'elements)
      ,@(map (lambda (prop-elements)
               (let ((ges (gensym))
                     (index -1))
                 `(and ,@(map (lambda (e)
                                (set! index (1+ index))
                                (if (music? e)
                                    (gen-condition `(and (> (length 
(ly:music-property ,expr ',(car prop-elements)))
(ly:music-property ,expr ',(car prop-elements)) 
                              (cdr prop-elements)))))

(define (gen-bindings expr pattern)
  "Helper function for `with-music-match'.
Generate binding forms by looking for ?var symbol in pattern."
  (let* (;; all (property . value) found at the first depth of pattern,
         ;; including a (name . <Musictype>) pair.
         (pat-all-props (cons (cons 'name (second pattern))
                              (key-val-list->alist (cddr pattern))))
         ;; all (property . ?var) pairs
         (prop-vars (filter (lambda (kons) (var? (cdr kons)))
         ;; list of (property . element) pairs, where element is a music 
         (element-list (filter (lambda (kons) (music? (cdr kons)))
         ;; list of (property . (e1 e2 ..)) pairs, where (e1 e2 ...) is a 
         ;; list a music expressions
         (elements-list (filter (lambda (kons) (music-or-var-list? (cdr kons)))
     ;; the binding form for the ?var variable found in pattern (first depth).
     ;; ?var is bound to the value of `expr' property
     (map (lambda (prop-var)
            `(,(cdr prop-var) (ly:music-property ,expr ',(car prop-var))))
     ;; generate bindings for each element found in a (property . element) pair.
     ;; (typically, property will be 'element)
     (append-map (lambda (prop-element)
                   (gen-bindings `(ly:music-property ,expr ',(car prop-element))
                                 (cdr prop-element)))
     ;; generate bindings for each element found in a (property . (e1 e2 ...)) 
     ;; (typically, property will be 'elements)
            (append-map (lambda (prop-elements)
                          (let ((index -1))
                            (append-map (lambda (e)
                                          (set! index (1+ index))
                                          (if (var? e)
                                              `((,e (list-ref 
(ly:music-property ,expr ',(car prop-elements)) ,index)))
                                              (gen-bindings `(list-ref 
(ly:music-property ,expr ',(car prop-elements))
                                        (cdr prop-elements))))

(define-macro (with-music-match music-expr+pattern . body)
  "If `music-expr' matches `pattern', call `body'. `pattern' should look like:
  '(music <MusicType>
     property value
     property ?var1
     element (music <MusicType> ...)
     elements ((music <MusicType> ...)
               (music <MusicType> ...)))
The properties of `music-expr' are checked against the values given in the
pattern (the name property being the <MusicType> symbol after the `music'
keyword), then all music expression found in its properties (such as 'element
or 'elements).
When ?var is found instead of a property value, ?var is bound that property 
as read inside `music-expr'. ?var may also be used to refere to a whole music 
expression inside an elements list for instance. These bindings are accessible 
inside body."
  (let ((music-expr (first music-expr+pattern))
        (pattern (second music-expr+pattern))
        (expr-sym (gensym)))
    `(let ((,expr-sym ,music-expr))
       (if ,(gen-condition expr-sym pattern)
           (let ,(gen-bindings expr-sym pattern)

;;; Special parameters

;;; indentation
(define *indent* (make-parameter 0))

;;; set to #t to force duration printing
(define *force-duration* (make-parameter #f))

;;; last duration found
(define *previous-duration* (make-parameter (ly:make-duration 2)))

;;; Set to #t to force a line break with some kinds of expressions (eg 
sequential music)
(define *force-line-break* (make-parameter #t))
(define *max-element-number-before-break* (make-parameter 6))

;; \times factor (used in durations)
(define *time-factor-denominator* (make-parameter #f))
(define *time-factor-numerator* (make-parameter #f))

(define *parser* (make-parameter #f))

(define *current-context* (make-parameter 'Bottom))

(define *explicit-mode* (make-parameter #t))

(define (new-line->lily-string)
  (format #f "~%~v_" (max 0 (1- (*indent*)))))

(define-public (display-lily-init parser)
  (*parser* parser)
  (set-note-names! (ly:parser-lookup (*parser*) 'pitchnames))

;;; music type predicate maker

(define (make-music-type-predicate . music-types)
  (define ((make-music-type-predicate-aux mtypes) expr)
    (if (null? mtypes)
        (or (eqv? (car mtypes) (ly:music-property expr 'name))
            ((make-music-type-predicate-aux (cdr mtypes)) expr))))
  (make-music-type-predicate-aux music-types))
\version "2.7.0"

#(use-modules (srfi srfi-13)
              (ice-9 format))

%%% Testing utilities
#(define (my-parse-string-result str parser)
  "Parse `str', which is supposed to contain a music expression."
  (ly:parser-parse-string parser
                          (format #f "parseStringResult = \\notemode { ~a }" 
  (ly:parser-lookup parser 'parseStringResult))

#(define (my-read-lily-expression chr port)
  (let ((lily-string (call-with-output-string
                      (lambda (out)
                        (do ((c (read-char port) (read-char port)))
                            ((and (char=? c #\#)
                                  (char=? (peek-char port) #\]))
                             (read-char port))
                          (display c out))))))
    `(let* ((parser-clone (ly:clone-parser parser))
            (input-str (string-trim-both ,lily-string))
            (music (car (ly:music-property (my-parse-string-result input-str 
            (result-str (string-trim-both (music->lily-string music))))
       (cons input-str result-str))))

#(read-hash-extend #\[ my-read-lily-expression)

#(display-lily-init parser)
#(define test-number 0)
#(define (lily-string->markup str)
   (make-column-markup (string-split str #\NewLine)))

test = #(def-music-function (parser location result-info strings) (string? 
          (let ((input (car strings))
                (output (cdr strings)))
            (set! test-number (1+ test-number))
            (if (string=? input output)
                (make-music 'SequentialMusic)
                (make-music 'SequentialMusic
                            (list (make-music 'EventChord
                                   'elements (list (make-music 'BreakEvent
                                                    'page-penalty 0
                                                    'penalty -10001)))
                                  (make-music 'EventChord
                                   'elements (list (make-music 'SkipEvent
                                                    'duration (ly:make-duration 
0 0 1 1))
                                                   (make-music 'TextScriptEvent
                                                    'direction -1
                                                    'text (markup #:column 
(#:simple (format #f "Test #~a "
(string-null? result-info) 
(markup #:bold "BUG") 
(markup #:simple result-info))
#:typewriter (lily-string->markup input)
#:typewriter (lily-string->markup output)))))))))))

%%% Tests
\header {
  texidoc = \markup \column { \line { \typewriter display-lily-music unit tests 
                              \line { Real bugs (regressions) are marked as 
\bold BUG. }
                              \line { Known bugs are marked as TODO. } }

\layout {
  raggedright = ##t 
  indent = 0.0\cm
  \context {
    \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1
    %\remove "Staff_symbol_engraver"
    \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
    \remove "Clef_engraver"
  \context {
    \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
  %% Sequential music
  \test #"" ##[ { { a b } { c d } } #]                  % SequentialMusic
  \test #"" ##[ << { a b } { c d } >> #]                % SimultaneousMusic
  \test #"" ##[ << { a b } \\ { c d } >> #]             % VoiceSeparator
  %% Chords and Notes
  \test #"" ##[ { ceses ces c cis cisis } #]            % NoteEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { deses des d dis disis } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { eeses ees e eis eisis } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { feses fes f fis fisis } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { geses ges g gis gisis } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { aeses aes a ais aisis } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { beses bes b bis bisis } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c,, d' } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c' d'=' } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c! c? } #]
  \test #"" ##[ r1.*4/3 #]                              % RestEvent
  \test #"" ##[ c1\rest #]                              % RestEvent
  \test #"" ##[ s2..*3/4 #]                             % SkipEvent
  \test #"" ##[ R1.*2/3 #]                              % 
MultiMeasureRestMusicGroup, MultiMeasureRestEvent
  \test #"" ##[ \skip 2.*3/4 #]                         % SkipMusic
  \test #"" ##[ < c\1 e\3 >4.*3/4-. #]                  % EventChord, 
NoteEvent, StringNumberEvent, ArticulationEvent

  %% tags
  \test #"" ##[ { \tag #'foo { c4 d } } #]
  \test #"" ##[ c-\tag #'(foo baz) -^ -. #]

  %% Graces
  \test #"" ##[ { \grace c8 d2 } #]                     % GraceMusic
  \test #"" ##[ { \appoggiatura c8 d2 } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { \acciaccatura c8 d2 } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c1 \afterGrace { b,16 c } d2 } #]

  %% Clusters
  \test #"" ##[ { \makeClusters { c4 g } } #]           % ClusterNoteEvent

  %% Figured bass
  \test #"" ##[ \figures { < 6 > } #]                   % BassFigureEvent
  \test #"" ##[ \figuremode { < 1-- 3- > < 2+ 4++ > < _! 7! > } #]
  \test #"" ##[ \figuremode { < [6 > < 5] > } #]

  %% Lyrics
  \test #"" ##[ \lyrics { a b } #]
  \test #"" ##[ \lyricmode { a --  b } #]               % HyphenEvent
  \test #"" ##[ \lyricmode { a __  b } #]               % ExtenderEvent
  \test #"" ##[ \lyricmode { "a " } #]                  % LyricEvent
  \test #"" ##[ \lyricsto "foo" { bla bla } #]          % LyricCombineMusic
  \test #"" ##[ { { c d }
  \addlyrics { bla bla } } #]
  \test #"" ##[ \oldaddlyrics { c d }
\lyricmode { bla bla } #]                               % OldLyricCombineMusic

  %% Drums
  \test #"" ##[ \drums { hihat } #]
  \test #"" ##[ \drummode { hihat4.*3/4 } #]

  %% Expressive marks
  \test #"" ##[ c4 ~ #]                                 % TieEvent
  \test #"" ##[ c\noBeam #]                             % BeamForbidEvent
  \test #"" ##[ c\1 #]                                  % StringNumberEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c:  c:1  } #]                         % TremoloEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c-^  c^^  c_^  } #]                   % ArticulationEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c-+  c^+  c_+  } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c--  c^-  c_-  } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c-|  c^|  c_|  } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c->  c^>  c_>  } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c-.  c^.  c_.  } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c-_  c^_  c__  } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c-\trill  c^\trill  c_\trill  } #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c-1  c^2  c_3  } #]                   % FingerEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c-"foo"  c^"foo"  c_"foo"  } #]       % TextScriptEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { R1*4 -"foo"  R ^"foo"  R _"foo"  } #] % MultiMeasureTextEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c4-\harmonic  c^\harmonic  c_\harmonic  } #]  % HarmonicEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c-\glissando  c^\glissando  c_\glissando  } #] % 
  \test #"" ##[ { c-\arpeggio  c^\arpeggio  c_\arpeggio  } #]   % ArpeggioEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c\p  c^\ff  c_\sfz  } #]              % AbsoluteDynamicEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c[  c]  c^[  c^]  c_[  c_]  } #]      % BeamEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c(  c)  c^(  c^)  c_(  c_)  } #]      % SlurEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c\<  c\!  c^\<  c^\!  c_\<  c_\!  } #]        % CrescendoEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c\>  c\!  c^\>  c^\!  c_\>  c_\!  } #]        % 
  \test #"" ##[ { c\(  c\)  c^\(  c^\)  c_\(  c_\)  } #]        % 
  \test #"" ##[ { c \sustainDown c \sustainUp } #] % SustainEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c \sostenutoDown c \sostenutoUp } #] % SostenutoEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c\melisma  c\melismaEnd  } #]         % ManualMelismaEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c \startTextSpan c \stopTextSpan } #] % TextSpanEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c \startTrillSpan c \stopTrillSpan } #] % TrillSpanEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c \startStaff c \stopStaff } #]       % StaffSpanEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c\startGroup  c\stopGroup  c^\startGroup  c^\stopGroup  
c_\startGroup  c_\stopGroup  } #] % NoteGroupingEvent
  \test #"" ##[ { c \unaCorda c \treCorde } #] % UnaCordaEvent
  \test #"" ##[ \breathe #]
  \test #"" ##[ { c \[  c \]  } #]                      % LigatureEvent
  \test #"" ##[ \~ #]                                   % PesOrFlexaEvent

  \test #"" ##[ \break #]

  %% Checks
  \test #"" ##[ \octave a' #]                           % RelativeOctaveCheck
  \test #"" ##[ | #]                                    % BarCheck

  %% Marks
  \test #"" ##[ \mark \default #]                       % MarkEvent
  \test #"" ##[ \mark "Allegro" #]
  \test #"" ##[ \tempo 4 = 120 #]                       % MetronomeChangeEvent

  %% key, time, clef, bar
  \test #"" ##[ \key \default #]                        % KeyChangeEvent
  \test #"" ##[ \key e \minor #]
  \test #"" ##[ \clef "bass" #]
  \test #"" ##[ \clef "french^2" #]
  \test #"" ##[ \clef "alto_3" #]
  \test #"" ##[ \time 2/4 #]
  \test #"" ##[ #(set-time-signature 5 8 '(3 2)) #]
  \test #"" ##[ \bar "|." #]

  %% staff switches
  \test #"" ##[ \autochange { c d } #]                  % AutoChangeMusic
  \test #"" ##[ { \change Staff = "up" { c d } } #]     % ContextChange

  %% Tuplets
  \test #"" ##[ \times 2/3 { c8 d e } #]                                % 
  \test #"" ##[ \times 4/6 { c16 d e f g a } #]

  %% \relative and \tranpose
  \test #"NOT A BUG" ##[ \relative c' { c b } #]        % RelativeOctaveMusic
  \test #"NOT A BUG" ##[ \transpose c d { c d } #]      % TransposedMusic
  %% Repeats
  \test #"" ##[ \repeat volta 2 { c d } #]              % VoltaRepeatedMusic
  \test #"" ##[ \repeat unfold 2 { c d } #]             % UnfoldedRepeatedMusic
  \test #"" ##[ \repeat fold 2 { c d } #]               % FoldedRepeatedMusic
  \test #"" ##[ \repeat percent 2 { c d } #]            % PercentRepeatedMusic
  \test #"" ##[ \repeat tremolo 4 { c16 d } #]          % TremoloRepeatedMusic
  \test #"" ##[ \repeat volta 2 { c4 d } \alternative { { c d } { e f } } #] % 

  %% Context creation
  \test #"" ##[ \new Staff { c d } #]                   % ContextSpeccedMusic
  \test #"" ##[ \context Staff { c d } #]
  \test #"" ##[ \context Staff = "up" { c d } #]
  \test #"" ##[
\new Staff \with {
  \consists "Timing_engraver"
  \remove "Clef_engraver"
} { c d } #]
  %% Context properties
  \test #"" ##[ \once \set Score . skipBars = ##t #]    % PropertySet
  \test #"" ##[ \set autoBeaming = ##f #]
  \test #"" ##[ \unset Score . skipBars #]              % PropertyUnset
  \test #"" ##[ \unset autoBeaming #]
  %% Layout properties
  \test #"" ##[ \override Staff . Stem #'thickness = #4.0 #]    % 
  \test #"" ##[ \once \override Beam #'thickness = #0.6 #]
  \test #"" ##[ \revert Staff . Stem #'thickness #]     % RevertProperty
  \test #"" ##[ \revert Beam #'thickness #]

  %% \partial

  \test #"" ##[ \partial 2 #]
  \test #"" ##[ \partial 8. #]
  \test #"TODO? exotic durations in \\partial" ##[ \partial 4*2/3 #]

  %% \partcombine
  \test #"" ##[ \partcombine { c e }
{ d f } #]                                              % PartCombineMusic 

  %% Cue notes
  \test #"" ##[ \cueDuring #"foo" #1 { c d } #]
  \test #"" ##[ \quoteDuring #"foo" { c d } #]

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