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Re: Issue 3457: Add snippet `Using \partcombine with lyrics'. (issue 113

From: markpolesky
Subject: Re: Issue 3457: Add snippet `Using \partcombine with lyrics'. (issue 11328043)
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 09:42:54 +0000

On 2013/07/19 08:27:20, dak wrote:
Ok.  Is the _output_ from the following what you'd consider

sopranoNotes = { c''2 d''4 e'' }
altoNotes = { \repeat unfold 8 { a'16 g'16 } }
words = \lyricmode { Oh my head }

   \new Staff \with { printPartCombineTexts = ##f \accepts "Devnull" }
     \new Voice {
       \key g \major
       \partcombine \sopranoNotes \altoNotes
     \new Devnull = "aligner" { \sopranoNotes }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "aligner" \words

Basically, the question is whether we can do something like NullVoice
and get
along without any engravers/properties in it.


you and your elegant solutions!  Yes, the output is
excellent, except there's an odd beam inconsistency in the
last beat which I don't understand.  But this solution is
already a vast improvement.

However, consider this example (which doesn't work using
your Devnull method).  Ideally, what I'd want is to have the
"2" horizontally centered between the NoteColumn with the
alto F and the NoteColumn with the soprano B:

sopranoNotes = \relative c'' { c4. b8 c2 }
altoNotes = \relative e' { e4 f e2 }
alignerNotes = { c4~ c16 c8. c2 }
words = \lyricmode { "1" "2" "3"  }

   \new Staff \with { printPartCombineTexts = ##f \accepts "Devnull" }
     \new Voice { \partcombine \sopranoNotes \altoNotes }
     \new Devnull = "aligner" { \alignerNotes }
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "aligner" \words

I actually *can* get this to work with my "adventurous geek"
method, except with my method the horizontal spacing is
altered in an unsatisfactory way.

To be clear, there are two separate effects I'd like to
achieve with this one interface:

1) aligning lyrics to one of the two partcombined voices
2) aligning lyrics to a third (hidden) voice, without altering spacing

It seems to me that you've nearly solved the first effect,
and I have no idea how easy or hard the second one would be.

Thanks again.
- Mark

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