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Re: Issue 3942: Scale slurs and ties when using \magnifyMusic. (issue 10

From: markpolesky
Subject: Re: Issue 3942: Scale slurs and ties when using \magnifyMusic. (issue 103890046)
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 17:05:21 +0000

On 2014/06/06 09:29:03, Mark Polesky wrote:
Please review this new patch.  I'm not entirely sure this
is the right approach, so I may need some advice here.

This patch has gone through the review/countdown process without a
single comment or review, but I'm not comfortable pushing it without any
feedback.  In the definition of \magnifyMusic (in, I've used about 50 temporary overrides,
manually entering scaled values based on the normal default values for
each grob-property I'm overriding.  Ideally, if the user has already
modified some of those values, I'd like to base the new scaled values on
the user's choices, and not base them on the LilyPond default values.
If that's possible at all, I don't know how to do that.  Also, if anyone
has any suggestions for a more elegant approach, please let me know.

- Mark

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