Oscar van Eijk wrote:
> I've attached an snippet that shows a bit what I need (it's the same bar
> twice); the triplets in the left hand are connected to a chord, but the
> highest notes are played by the right hand.
> Adding a staff change in the triplets is no problem (see the second
> bar), but that won't work in a chord: [...]
> Is there any way to achieve this? [...]
Hi, Oscar,
I don't think this is possible inside the chord; however, there is a way
using an additional voice on the upper staff. Which is semantically ugly
as hell, but well... ;-)
I attach my solution; note that you probably have to manually adjust the
tuplet number positions for kneed beams and set the ignore-collisions
property for noise-free compilation, or use (not my preferred look) the
stemUp-variant for the last note of the tuplets.
For more information, look at
where I borrowed some tweaks.