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Re: Best Practices for file structures, score and parts

From: Anthonys Lists
Subject: Re: Best Practices for file structures, score and parts
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2015 19:43:13 +0100
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On 02/10/2015 08:58, N. Andrew Walsh wrote:
do I enter the transposing instruments into the score in concert pitch or transposed? Can Frescobaldi (my editor of choice) take an entire Voice and transpose it into concert pitch after I've edited, or should I enter the content in concert pitch (transposing back into C on the fly as I type)?
Playing trombone as I do, I get parts in any combination of bass clef, tenor clef, or treble/Bf. I need some sort of convention to avoid getting messed up, and the obvious one for me is:

All parts are entered as variables. All parts are copied in in the pitch they are written. All parts are wrapped in a transpose to make the variable concert pitch. So the notes are entered as either

voiceTromboneI = \transpose c' bf { c e g }


voiceTromboneI = \transpose c' c' { bf d f }

When outputting a treble clef part I can then do the following no problem ...

\transpose bf c' \voiceTromboneI


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