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Re: Place a markup string at the right of a notehead

From: Paolo Pr
Subject: Re: Place a markup string at the right of a notehead
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2019 11:50:55 +0100

Hi Thomas,

I think that your solution should be posted in the snippet repository as well. It's very useful for very complex scores, when you have to manage lot of markups, because the trial-and-error method is time consuming.
In addition:

1) How can I set the font's attributes of this tweak to the markup's default ones? As you can see, there are some additional attributes that differ (size and italic)

   bes-\tweak text \markup {"foo" } -\rightHandFinger #0
   d'^\markup { "foo" }

2) Is there a way to place the markup exactly on the top or on the bottom of the notehead as well? 

3) What can be used to add an extra offset (vertical or horizontal, depending on the position of the markup)?

1 + 2 + 3 could give a really complete solution for having TOTAL control of the markup's position. I understand that this is not the proper way to manage these objects with Lilypond (you can add a warning in the snippet, like "use this method only if you really need it") but in many cases it's really useful.


On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 12:08 PM Thomas Morley <address@hidden> wrote:
Am Fr., 6. Dez. 2019 um 01:55 Uhr schrieb Paolo Pr <address@hidden>:
> Hello.
> I can't find an easy way to place a markup string exactly at the right of a notehead so they appear horizontally aligned. The only apparent way to obtain that is the trial-and-error procedure.
> This can be very frustrating because I have to compile the input several times.
> A work-around would be to replace the notehead's stencil with the notehead+text, but it doesn't convince me and it causes spacing issues with groups of notes.
> Is there a simpler way to solve this?
> Thanks

Hijack StrokeFinger?

   bes-\tweak text "foo" -\rightHandFinger #0
   d'-\tweak text "bar" -\rightHandFinger #0
   f'-\tweak text "buzz" -\rightHandFinger #0
   bes'-\tweak text "boink" -\rightHandFinger #0


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