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Re: [lmi] An initial step toward using 'config.guess' more generally

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] An initial step toward using 'config.guess' more generally
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2019 02:55:47 +0200

On Wed, 25 Sep 2019 00:13:13 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> On 2019-09-23 18:06, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:

[...the problem of getting config.guess...]

GC> >  I think the only better solution is to use "automake --add-missing" to
GC> > actually copy the files that it uses to lmi directory. This could be done
GC> > by running (the already existing, although not really necessary, because
GC> > autoreconf does the same thing anyhow) autogen.sh script. The main 
GC> > of doing it is that you need to have auto{conf,make} and libtool 
GC> > But it's not really such an onerous requirement for any Linux system.
GC> Well...I tried that, but I didn't much like the result--it
GC> wrote other files that I don't want

 Unfortunately I think this is unavoidable. But these files can indeed be
just deleted or simply ignored (I already have them in my .git/info/exclude
but they could be added to .gitignore instead).

GC> --so I deleted them and committed it...on a branch, because I wasn't
GC> happy with this approach in general. Here's why:
GC> /opt/lmi/src/lmi[0]$grep -rl 'build-aux.*config.guess' * |wc -l
GC> 11
GC> Some of those occurrences are in scripts that would usually
GC> be run in the lmi source directory, but not all. Replacing
GC>   /usr/share/libtool/build-aux/config.guess
GC> with a hardcoded
GC>   /opt/lmi/src/lmi/config.guess
GC> just makes it harder to make '/opt/lmi/' reconfigurable.

 The idea would be to use relative path to the script, if we included it
in lmi itself.

GC> (And when I committed that on a branch, I saw a surprising
GC> file mode:
GC>   [odd/guess_config 3475525a] Import 'config.guess'
GC>    2 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)
GC>    create mode 120000 config.guess
GC> so what I committed was actually:
GC>   /opt/lmi/src/lmi[0]$ls -l config.guess
GC>   lrwxrwxrwx 1 greg greg 37 Sep 24 13:35 config.guess -> 

 Sorry, I should have mentioned that you need to run automake with the
--copy option if you intend to commit it.

GC> The problem is that
GC>   $ uname
GC> works probably everywhere, but
GC>   $ config.guess
GC> doesn't. I had hoped that
GC>   $ /debian/path/to/config.guess
GC> would work on any system that has autotools installed, but
GC> such is not the case.

 Again, if you include the script in lmi repository, you could rely on

        $ ./some-subdirectory/config.guess

to work (where "some-subdirectory" could be "build-aux" or
"third_party/aux" or whatever else).


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