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Re: Request to add a new layout for Malayalam

From: Mike FABIAN
Subject: Re: Request to add a new layout for Malayalam
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2023 09:53:53 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Ajith R <ajithramayyan@yahoo.co.in> さんはかきました:

> Dear Mike,
> I could add a third layer of most of the rarerly used characters to
> the layout. I have also added user input variables. Both mim files
> have changed and are attached. I have also updated the gitlab repo
> (https://gitlab.com/ajithramayyan/puthunira) .
> I have more doubts -
> 1) How can I specify a fourth level - one obtained by pressing Shift and the 
> third level modifier together?

In your new en-pn-eqf.mim, you have:

  ((G--) "~")
  ((G-=) "_")
  ((G-q) "₹")

On the US layout, the key which has the "-" without pressing Shift has
"_" shifted, the key which has the "=" without pressing Shift has "+"
with pressing Shift, the key which has the "q" without pressing Shift
has "Q" with pressing Shift. So you can do this:

  ((G-_) "something")
  ((G-+) "something")
  ((G-Q) "something")

for the 4th level. You see that used in other .mim files, for example in
bn-national-jatiya.mim there is:

  ((G-d) "ই") ; U+0987 BENGALI LETTER I
  ((G-D) "ঈ") ; U+0988 BENGALI LETTER II


  ((G-$) "৲") ; U+09F2 BENGALI RUPEE MARK = taka • historic currency sign
  ((G-4) "৳") ; U+09F3 BENGALI RUPEE SIGN = Bangladeshi taka

For letters like q or d this will work with almost any keyboard layout,
for keys like -, =, 4, this will work correctly only with layouts which
are very similar to the US layout because Shift+- has to be _ and
Shift+= has to be + and Shift+4 has to be $.

But that should be no problem, you will be probably be using a variant
of the US layout like "English (India, with rupee)".

Mike FABIAN <mfabian@redhat.com>

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