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[GMG-Devel] MediaGoblin at FOSDEM

From: Christopher Allan Webber
Subject: [GMG-Devel] MediaGoblin at FOSDEM
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 09:48:05 -0600
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.9-dev6; emacs

FYI, I'll be at FOSDEM 2013.  I know also the following people will be
as well:
 - Jef van Schendel (schendje)
 - Kuno Woudt (warp)
 - Deb Nicholson (freedeb)

If you'll be there, it would be good to meet some of you.

I'll also be on an AGPL panel with Bradley Kuhn, Richard Fontana, and
Eileen Evans, and I *might* be giving a talk in the python devroom
also... they haven't told me yet. :)

If you'll be there, it would be really good to see you.  Maybe we can
run a sprint?  I know some of us would like to.

Hopefully see some of ya there!
 - Christopher Allan Webber

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