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[microdc-devel] re-implement sharedir in config / reconnect on no data

From: Mike
Subject: [microdc-devel] re-implement sharedir in config / reconnect on no data
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 17:34:39 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070509)

First off, thank you so very much Ivan and patchers for keeping this project alive. I love cli tools and microdc was starting to show its age.

Now for two feature requests:

I like that share is now a command, but I had setup all my files to be located under a central location, so I could start microdc unattended and it would load all my files automatically (I share more than download). Please consider re-implementing the ability to specify at least one "main" share directory as a config var.

Second one is an improvement to the new auto_reconnect. It's great and saves me a lot of trouble (I have a script that kills/restarts microdc every 60 minutes to insure it remains connected), but microdc2 fails to reconnect when the client is connecting to the hub via a local stunnel (http://www.stunnel.org/) wrapper. In this case the "hub" (which is really the stunnel daemon) doesn't shut down the connection but rather simply stops sending data. DC++ in win32 does detect this condition and starts the reconnecting loop just like when a regular hub goes down. It would be great to be able to replicate this behavior.

Hopefully someone with the right coding skills will consider adding these features. Thanks a bunch, and keep up the great work.


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