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Re: [Mldonkey-users] mldonkey uploads more than it should be

From: Goswin Brederlow
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] mldonkey uploads more than it should be
Date: 26 Aug 2002 05:18:18 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

"xyz" <address@hidden> writes:

> I have set max_hard_upload_rate  to 4 but it uploads with more than 10 kb/s.
> Whats the Problem?

One main problem seems that meta information is not counted there.
Esspecially querying for files, which is done on each client for each
file (paused or not) mostly twice.

See other mails for details.

Another problem might be the linux router, if you have one. Linux
limits the number of connections it tracks. mldonkey uses a lot of
connections so the router might drop a few (dmesg on the router should
tell you). Those drops make mldonkey loose connections all the time
and thus increases the number of new connects causing the problem above.

 You can increase the number of connects tracked in
/proc/sys/net/ip_contrack_max if you see messages about droped


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