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[Monotone-devel] Re: Replacement for CVS over SSH?

From: Ole Laursen
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: Replacement for CVS over SSH?
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2004 15:41:23 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

graydon hoare <address@hidden> writes:

> Ole Laursen wrote:
> for the time being, probably start a server process and have each
> person start an ssh tunnel from the server socket back to their local
> machine and connect to the port on your local machine. in the future
> I'll be adding a tiny bit more code to netsync to let it run on plain
> file descriptors (rather than always using sockets), then you should
> be able to use ssh as a more "direct" transport.

OK, thanks, then I think I'll wait for the next release to try it out
in practice.

I've discussed the synchronisation approach with a friend of mine who
is currently an Arch fan. Doesn't it require one to always have a
Monotone server process running on the box acting as the central
repository? Do you know if it is possible to run a daemon as a plain
user and have it started again if the server box reboots?

According to my friend, one of the neat things about Arch is that it
does not make life harder if you don't have administrator access to
the server box. E.g. the ssh: protocol just requires one to have tla
installed on the server, and HTTP can be used to distribute changes if
you have a .public_html directory.

Ole Laursen

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