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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: current multiple heads (was Re: write access to

From: Jon Bright
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: current multiple heads (was Re: write access to my public server)
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 08:33:15 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)

graydon hoare wrote:

there is an interesting problem which arises from this: disapproval isn't quite as "final" as I had initially hoped. in particular, consider this scenario:

  A->B contains badness
  A->C is OK

  - I review A->B and disapprove of it

An interesting sub-aspect of this is the sequence A->B->C where A->B is bad, but B->C removes the badness with the result that C is good. Clearly, in this case, the badness shouldn't be inherited by C. But there's the same case A->B->C where A->B is bad, and B->C just adds a debugging printf or so. In this case, C is still bad.

Clearly it's not possible to handle these cases automatically. It would seem to me that the only safe way to do this is for B->C and all subsequent descendant edges to initially inherit the disapproval which you originally applied to A->B. If you then change your mind about what C looks like, you issue an approval for that edge - which is, unlike the disapproval, not inherited, but does curb further inheritance of your disapproval.

Jon Bright
Silicon Circus Ltd.

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