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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: partial pull #3 - calling conventions

From: Christian Ohler
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: partial pull #3 - calling conventions
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 22:22:54 +0200

Lapo Luchini, 2007-05-26:

Space is not the scarce resource here (well, not the most important one,
at least, IMHO): time is.
Pull time is not only a question of size, it's also (mainly?) a question
of the time taken by the multiple hash and signature verifications.

Ok. Still, verifying signatures on 10MB worth of data is very likely faster than verifying them on 71MB worth of data.

Assuming that cryptographic verification is what's really taking too long at pull time, maybe we shouldn't be doing it at pull time? Wouldn't it be possible to defer the verification of each file's hash, each revision's id, each cert's signature etc. until the respective item is accessed for the first time?

Obviously, if monotone allows unverified data in its database, there would be a new kind of failure: Information that was assumed to be available might turn out not to be. For example, if a malicious server sends a bogus manifest to a monotone client claiming that this manifest corresponds to a certain revision id, the client might detect later on that the manifest doesn't actually hash to that id. So the client would have to discard the revision. But that's no worse than a gap. In fact, it's much simpler to deal with than a gap since monotone wouldn't have to handle such a situation particularly gracefully.

Or is all of the cryptographic verification that monotone does during pull really needed at that time due to security considerations (e.g. to ensure that the server doesn't perform a DoS attack on the client by sending an infinite chain of junk revisions)?


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