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Re: [Myexperiment-discuss] Characteristics of workflows

From: Marco Roos
Subject: Re: [Myexperiment-discuss] Characteristics of workflows
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 14:00:12 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

Hello all,

I agree with Andrea's suggestions. The obvious is already on the list, isn't it? I.e. title and descriptions of the workflow, subworkflows, processors, and in a sense anything that users add as annotation on myExperiment or BioCatalogue for the services used.

Scott and I have given Carole and Jits some feedback at the SWAT4LS meeting on this topic. One of the important distinctions that we made was between what to search on and what to rank on. Have you made that distinction in this discussion too? Search can be less restrictive (e.g. lenient towards false positives) if you have powerful ranking mechanisms (e.g. user chooses what to sort on).

Edgar: would you have additional tips? (Edgar is a PhD student in the field of information retrieval.)


Paul Fisher wrote:
There is also the feedback Werner Muller has from his experiences.
He is unavailable at the moment, but Katy is trying to set up a meeting soon.
Andy Brass was his first point of contact.


Alan Williams wrote:
Hello everybody,

A while back there was a discussion about what characteristics of
workflows were sensible to show/search on.  I asked on Taverna users and
Andrea Wiggins has replied:

Some information that I think could be useful, besides the type of
services, might be:

-Number and type of ports (e.g. text vs 2-deep list of text, etc.)

-Output types - this would be particularly good for finding workflows
that produce graphs, e.g. searching for workflows that have an R
component and a png output type

-Whether it contains subworkflows (or subsubworkflows)

-Complexity, though there are a number of ways you could
operationalize this; basically I'd like to be able to look only at
workflows that are not straight linear structures, that make use of
the outputs from one component as input to more than one component,

-License - more likely to be useful for search than anything else

-Metadata completeness; I would love to be able to have a checkbox so
that I could exclude from search results any workflows that don't
have metadata for non-shim components. I've seen this on another
social network site, labelled "include all photo-less?" which is
inelegant but perfectly descriptive.


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Marco Roos
Adaptive Information Disclosure
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403, room N2.30
1098 SJ Amsterdam
tel. +31 (0) 20 525 7522
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