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[Nano-devel] spell and nano (was reply to cgf about gpl violation)

From: Gareth Pearce
Subject: [Nano-devel] spell and nano (was reply to cgf about gpl violation)
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2003 23:46:34 +1000

(crossing to cygwin incase it might inspire someone)
> use nano; for the same reason the (webpage) nano binary uses PDcurses
rather than
> ncurses so no termcap files are needed.  I think the cygwin provided
> version of nano is far superior as things like spell check would
> actually work,
This would be a theory - however since no one has ported and packaged spell
to cygwin - it is not yet the (general) case.

Gareth - cygwin nano packager.
(PS: Waiting for cgf's supprised look - since nano-devel's Chris complied
immediately - or at least is trying too...)

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