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[Nano-devel] [PATCH] browser: when using goto prompt, previous working d

From: Rishabh Dave
Subject: [Nano-devel] [PATCH] browser: when using goto prompt, previous working directory remains unselected
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 23:30:07 +0530


Attached patch solves the bug - when using goto prompt, previous
working directory remains unselected. Link to it -

While using prompt, we can jump to not only parent but also to
grandparent or great-grandparent directories or even more until to the
root. So, I have added some more code to handle that.

Further, on hitting root I found it unnecessary to keep error message
as ALERT; I kept it MILD. This would allow a lazy user to keep typing
"../" multiple times to reach the root *without delay*. In case of
ALERT, apart from the multiple beeps, nano hangs (or rather
waits/sleeps). I found it more logical here to not to have this delay.

Last, if there are more "../" than the length of the path, then
selection jumps to last element. This would indicate user of the the
fact that he didn't try to jump to the root but beyond that.

Attachment: select-parent-dir-when-using-prompt.patch
Description: Text Data

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