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Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Language-dependent properties on Folders

From: Garikoitz Araolaza
Subject: Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Language-dependent properties on Folders
Date: Fri, 05 Jul 2002 09:14:16 +0200

At 09:05 05/07/02, you wrote:
Is there a way (preferrably an easy one *g*) to have normal Folder
objects have different titles for different languages?
I have tried just adding 'title_de', 'title_en' and 'title_fr'
properties, but that didn't work.
I don't need anything fancy. I though that LocalFolder was the Folder
equivalent to LocalContent, but I guess I was wrong.

When we have to use Folders, we do the trick with <dtml-var "MC(getId())"> where MC is a Message Catalog, but it isn't very clean... (actually, I find it very dirty... ;-) )

With this purpose we have created DonEdukia objects. These are Folderish LocalContent objects, with a very basic sorting system integrated, so that you can choose the order in a menu.

They are basically folders with LocalPropertyManager so that they can contain a multilingual title and body.

It's a very basic system, in a "It works for me" stage, and I'm not a very advanced Python programmer, so the code sucks... But if you are interested I could send you a .tgz


Garikoitz Araolaza

Azitaingo Industrialdea
Tel: +34 943 82 06 06

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