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Re: more graphics changes.

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: more graphics changes.
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:35:35 -0600
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John W. Eaton wrote:
On 14-Mar-2007, Daniel J Sebald wrote:

| I definitely see a speed up. But there is still some lag. Something like | "image" with the default image should be processed by gnuplot with little | effort. With the latest, there is still a one to two second delay on my machine. | | I recall when writing some of the image.m code and testing with various size | images that the test image would plot almost immediately. Has there been a | change in the pipe that causes it to pause when the buffer is full?

No change that I know of.  The pipe to gnuplot is still opened in
drawnow.m and everything is written to that pipe in __go_draw_figure__.m
and __go_draw_axes__.m, which were just renamed from the
__uiobject_draw_figure__.m and __uiobject_draw_axes__.m files with a
few small changes to adapt to other name changes.  But nothing that
should have affected the way data is written to the pipe.

I've searched for time sinks and I guess this boils down to the speed of interpretation. In some ways it seems a little high cpu consumption, but I guess that is just the way it is. For example, let's look at some M files to illustrate.

In __go_draw_axes__.m is this line

[img_fid, img_fname] = mkstemp (fullfile (P_tmpdir, "gpimageXXXXXX"), 1);

Built in functions are fast.  Consider:

octave:172> tt=cputime();  P_tmpdir(); cputime()-tt
ans =  0.0010000

Very short.  Now using the M-file fullfile() things slow a bit:

octave:176> tt=cputime(); fullfile (P_tmpdir, "gpimageXXXXXX"); cputime()-tt ans = 0.13198

There's not a lot inside fullfile(), but I guess the file has to be read in, parsed, organized, etc.

I do find something odd about cputime().  Consider the following:

octave:204> [tt,tu,ts]=cputime(); image; [tt2,tu2,ts2]=cputime(); [tt2,tu2,ts2]-[tt,tu,ts]
ans =

   0.55092   0.44993   0.10098

You'd think that it has taken 0.5 s cputime to send an image to gnuplot. How long would that translate to in actual time? I don't know, 3/4 second? Unless the system is really overloaded. But what I'm observing takes clearly more than 3/4 s, maybe two seconds. The strange result is that along with the above output, I've put

    have_newer_gnuplot = compare_versions (__gnuplot_version__ (), "4.0", ">");

inside __go_draw_axes__() because I suspected that version test as being a slow instruction. This instruction is run as part of the above image() plot and the result is

ans =  0.84987

That is surprising. Not only is it quite long, it is longer than any of the above time differentials. I'm lead to believe there might be a bug in cputime() if I'm reading the documentation correctly.

So, I suspect a lot of the time discrepancy I feel when watching how long it takes to draw the image is probably part of the compare_versions(). Let me test that from the command line:

octave:206> [tt,tu,ts]=cputime(); compare_versions (__gnuplot_version__ (), "4.0", ">"); [tt2,tu2,ts2]=cputime(); [tt2,tu2,ts2]-[tt,tu,ts]
ans =

   0.88486   0.72789   0.15698

OK, well this would suggest one should use a good scripting strategy that avoids function calls as much as possible. There is no need to keep checking whether one has a newer gnuplot version after the first time. So, I'd think something like

    global __got_gnuplot_version__ = 0;
    global have_newer_gnuplot;
    if (! __got_gnuplot_version__)
      have_newer_gnuplot = compare_versions (__gnuplot_version__ (), "4.0", 
      __got_gnuplot_version__ = 1;

would save time, and in fact it does noticeably.


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