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Re[2]: [Openexr-devel] static link

From: Pavel Ledin
Subject: Re[2]: [Openexr-devel] static link
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 13:52:26 +0400

Hello Jeff,

Friday, June 15, 2007, 1:17:12 PM, you wrote:

Thank you for reply.

I know about -L and -l flags


-L../../../openexr-1.4.0/IlmImf -llibIlmImf.a

does not works because -shared flag used and I'll get followed error during compiling

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llibIlmImf.a

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

If I'll use constuction

-L../../../openexr-1.4.0/IlmImf -llibIlmImf

library will linked as shared

Problem that I need static link OpenEXR and as shared link libstdc++. 

It's common problem and I don't know how to do it.

Or is it possible to link libstdc++ as static?

> -L is for paths to your libraries (similar to -I for include directories )

> -l is for linking to a particular library using the library paths

> so you should probably be doing something like

> -L../../../openexr- 1.4.0/IlmImf -llibIlmImf.a

> the -l is the what link the library i believe

> hope that helps,

> On 6/15/07, Pavel Ledin < address@hidden> wrote:

> Hello,

> How can I link OpenEXR library as static? I had tried it many times 

> and many ways, but with no luck. And nobody know how to do it.

> I'm try to write mental ray output shader.

> My Makefile looks like this:

> CC = g++

> INC = -I/usr/autodesk/maya8.5/devkit/mentalray/include

> -I../../../openexr- 1.4.0/IlmImf -I../../../openexr-1.4.0/IlmThread

> -I../../../openexr-1.4.0/Imath -I../../../openexr-1.4.0/Iex

> -I../../../openexr-1.4.0/Half -I../../../zlib-1.2.3

> LIB = -L../lib -lstdc++

> ../../../openexr-1.4.0/IlmImf/.libs/libIlmImf.a ../../../openexr-

> 1.4.0/IlmThread/.libs/libIlmThread.a

> ../../../openexr-1.4.0/Imath/.libs/libImath.a 

> ../../../openexr-1.4.0/Iex/.libs/libIex.a

> ../../../openexr-1.4.0/Half/.libs/libHalf.a -L../../../zlib-1.2.3 -lz

> CFLAGS = -O2 -fPIC -shared -export-dynamic 

> : p_OpenEXR_saver.cpp p_MegaTK_pass.cpp p_constant.cpp

>         $(CC) $(INC) $(LIB) $(CFLAGS) -o

> p_OpenEXR_saver.cpp p_MegaTK_pass.cpp p_constant.cpp

> local:

> Shader comiled fine without any errors, but

> I always get Maya crash and this error during call my shader:

> /usr/autodesk/maya8.5/bin/maya.bin: symbol lookup error:

> /usr/autodesk/maya8.5/mentalray/lib/ undefined symbol:

> _ZN3Imf5SliceC1ENS_9PixelTypeEPcjjiidbb 

> What's wrong?

> Is it poosible to link static OpenEXR? Please help

> --

> Best regards,

> Pavel Ledin aka Puppet                          mailto:address@hidden

> Moscow, Russia


Best regards,

 Pavel Ledin aka Puppet                            mailto:address@hidden

 Moscow, Russia

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