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[Paperclips-discuss] Paperclips Bugs

From: Christopher K. St. John
Subject: [Paperclips-discuss] Paperclips Bugs
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:12:50 -0500

#1: $ java gnu.paperclips.boot.webappd --port=9094
     gnupaperclips/:   OK. The server is up: 20 handlers on 7171 port
   7171 != 9094

   because (I think) when a WebService is ctr'ed, Service.Service
  calls WebService.setInitParameter(), which is a no-no, since
  at that point WebService has not been fully constructed. This
  shows up as m_port getting set during the construction of
  Service, but then getting overwritten during the construction
  on WebService. Ref the vmspec, Section 2.16.6 'Creation of New
  Class Instance':

   1. ...
   2. ...
   3. ... will begin with a explicit ... invocation of a superclass
      ctr. Evaluate the arguments and process that superclass ctr
      recursively ...
   4. Execute the instance variable initializers for this class ...
   5. ...

   Note that any subclass instance variables assigned during step 3
  will be re-assigned during step 4.

  This is one of those 'am I hallucinating I don't see any other
  assignment statements and the darned thing is private so wtf!?'
  sorts of bugs, and I'm going to go have another beer now.

#2: 1.4 adds to the Throwable class: public Throwable getCause(),
    but that conflicts with gnu/paperclips/boot/
    DDException: Exception getCause(), fix is to change DDException
    getCause() to be public and return Throwable.

#3: had to re-jar gnugetopt, not sure what the problem was, but I
    was getting some error about classes named such-and-such having
    to be in a file named such-and-such.

Christopher St. John address@hidden

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