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GNU Parallel as job queue processor

From: Ole Tange
Subject: GNU Parallel as job queue processor
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 23:12:07 +0200

In connection with this
I started thinking: How can GNU Parallel be used as a job queue?

I have now added the following to the manpage. Please help me rephrase
it so it is easier to understand.

EXAMPLE: GNU Parallel as queue system/batch manager
       GNU Parallel can work as a simple job queue system or batch manager.
       The idea is to put the jobs into a file and have GNU Parallel read from
       that continuously. As GNU Parallel will stop at end of file we use tail
       to continue reading:

       echo >jobqueue; tail -f jobqueue | parallel

       To submit your jobs to the queue:

       echo my_command my_arg >> jobqueue

       You can of course use -S to distribute the jobs to remote computers:

       echo >jobqueue; tail -f jobqueue | parallel -S ..

EXAMPLE: GNU Parallel as dir processor
       If you have a dir in which users drop files that needs to be processed
       you can do this on GNU/Linux (If you know what inotifywait is called on
       other platforms file a bug report):

       inotifywait -q -m -r -e CLOSE_WRITE --format %w%f my_dir | parallel -u

       This will run the command echo on each file put into my_dir or
subdirs of my_dir.

       The -u is needed because of a small bug in GNU parallel. If that proves
       to be a problem, file a bug report.

       You can of course use -S to distribute the jobs to remote computers:

       inotifywait -q -m -r -e CLOSE_WRITE --format %w%f my_dir | parallel -S
       ..  -u echo

PS: In case you did not notice: GNU Parallel is in issue 120 of Linux Magazine

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