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Change number of jobs while running

From: Ole Tange
Subject: Change number of jobs while running
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 10:37:23 +0200

A user has had a situation where he wanted to adjust the number of
running jobs while GNU Parallel is running.

I have given it some thought and I think it may be doable. Help me
rephrase this for the man page so more people can understand the idea:

--jobs myfile
-j myfile
--max-procs myfile
-P myfile

Use the content of myfile as parameter for -j. E.g. myfile could
contain the string 100% or +2 or 10. If myfile is changed when a job
completes, myfile is read again and the new number of jobs is
computed. If the number is lower than before, running jobs will be
allowed to finish but new jobs will not be started until the wanted
number of jobs has been reached.


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