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Re: Feature request: --joblog .json

From: CH
Subject: Re: Feature request: --joblog .json
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2020 12:02:13 -0800
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.10

I'm sure Ole would make it optional, e.g. checking if --joblog argument ends with .json.

One more feature request: skipping a job if the results file exists or is younger than X minutes.

Use case: A cache directory of job outputs, where old files can be overwritten.

* --resume will work out where to resume by looking in the --result directory
* --retry-failed will rerun failed jobs in the --joblog file
* --resume-failed will do both

None of these are perfect, although --resume is close.

Initial effort:

COMMAND="aws --profile {1} --region {2} cloudformation describe-stacks"
  ARGS=("${PROFILES[@]}" ::: "${REGIONS[@]}")

  parallel --result "$FILES" "$COMMAND" ::: "${ARGS[@]}" > /dev/null

Our current workaround:

  # Delete if older than 12 hours
find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'cloudformation-*.json' -mmin +1440 -type f -delete

parallel "F='$FILES' ; [ -e \"\$F\" ] || ( $COMMAND ) > \"\$F\"" ::: "${ARGS[@]}"

Maybe '--retry-older 1440'?


On 2020-12-21 06:56 PM, Rob Sargent wrote:

Yes, that'll do nicely, thank you!

Next thing you know, you'll be making the joblog into json format! :-)

Please do NOT do that

Penelope Fudd (

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