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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Error with email and Exchange Public Folde

From: Tony (Angles) Puglisi
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Error with email and Exchange Public Folders
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 16:53:15 +0000

2 possibilites:

(a) the folder names in the cache *may* contain chars that need to be database 
fanged", and/or

(b) The amount of data is too large for the limited nature of a prefs database. 
can cut the cache size in 1/2 by not caching data that I can deduce from the 
1/2 of the cached data.

I'll try one or both, commit, then let you know so you may test.

Thanks for testing this. I though one or both of those issues migth come up.

If there are any DB experts out there who can narrow this down, please advise.

Jean-Eric Cuendet (address@hidden) wrote*:
>I have a big SQL error when accessing the main email page since I set
>"Cache data wherever possible".
>The file is 550Kb long... so if someone is interested, please ask.
>The error is like that:
>Database error: Invalid SQL: insert into phpgw preferences
>(preference owner,preference value) values
>default";s:9:"tz offset";N;s:10:"dateformat";s:5:"d-m-Y";s:10:"timeforma
>t";s:2:"24";s:12:"template set";s:9:"idsociety";s:13:"navbar format";s:1
>4:"icons and text";s:15:"timezone offset";s:1:"1";s:7:"country";s:2:"CH"
>;s:17:"show currentusers";s:4:"True";s:11:"default app";s:8:"calendar";s
>mainscreen showevents";s:4:"True";s:8:"interval";i:60;s:13:"weekdaystart
>s";s:6:"Monday";s:14:"display status";s:4:"True";}s:11:"addressbook";a:4
>:{s:7:"company";s:16:"addressbook True";s:8:"lastname";s:16:"addressbook
> True";s:9:"firstname";s:16:"addressbook True";s:16:"default category";N
>;}s:5:"notes";a:2:{s:10:"notes font";s:34:"Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-
>serif";s:15:"notes font
><... snip - snip...>
>{s:11:"folder long";s:5:"Tasks";s:12:"folder short";s:5:"Tasks";}i:2873;
>a:2:{s:11:"folder long";s:5:"Trash";s:12:"folder short";s:5:"Trash";}i:2
>874;a:2:{s:11:"folder long";s:9:"\Infected";s:12:"folder short";s:9:"\In
>fected";}}s:20:"match cached account";a:2:{s:24:"mailsvr account usernam
>e";s:3:"jec";s:15:"mailsvr callstr";s:26:"{}";}}
>s:12:"portal order";a:4:{i:0;i:5;i:1;i:15;i:2;i:11;i:3;i:9;}s:12:"squirr
>elmail";a:8:{s:19:"mainscreen showmail";s:4:"True";s:10:"highlight0";s:3
>9:"Administrator,4444aa,Administrator,from";s:13:"move to trash";s:4:"tr
>ue";s:12:"trash folder";s:5:"Trash";s:12:"move to sent";s:4:"true";s:11:
>"sent folder";s:4:"Sent";s:12:"unseennotify";N;s:10:"unseentype";N;}}')
>PostgreSQL Error: 1 (ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "s" )
>File: /opt/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc/
>Line: 191
>Session halted.
>Jean-Eric Cuendet
>Linkvest SA
>Av des Baumettes 19, 1020 Renens Switzerland
>Tel +41 21 632 9043  Fax +41 21 632 9090
>E-mail: address@hidden
>Phpgroupware-developers mailing list
that's "angle" as in geometry

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