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[phpGroupWare-developers] Introduction and possible plans

From: Shane Lilge
Subject: [phpGroupWare-developers] Introduction and possible plans
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 17:14:44 -0700

Hello all,

I'm newb to phpGroupWare (stable branch) with a couple of days of use under my belt.  The basics of the app fit what I was looking for and run quite nicely on my shared hosting. 

There are a few features I have in mind for it to be very useful for my company.  Much is interoperability with some basic additions.  I would like to start making changes right away and I thought it best to provide an idea of those changes with the hopes that some may be helpful to the project.  I'd like some guidance on the best way to work within the community without disrupting it.  I was chatting in IRC and skwashd suggests someone could act as a mentor.

Following is a draft of changes I'd like to do.  This is a general plan which will change and mature over time as I get to know the application and code.  I was informed that InfoLog had some potential issues and considering that I'm currently looking at doing changes on ToDo and Notes with a new ActionLog module.  Any comments and suggestions are welcome.

phpGroupWare Modifications
Initial considerations for possible changes / additions / modules

>>> Mail:
- Functions to tag or move a specific email to:
    - A Task - Possibly ToDo, Call, Project
    - Information - FAQ, Newsletters, Wiki
    - Archives - In DB?
    - Ownership/Logging - To an entry in address book (client), inventory and phpGW user (salesperson/rep)
- Mailing lists - can import from address book
- IMAP libs that work on shared hosts with imap_mod - not a priority

>>> Action Log (Like InfoLog):
- Logging on incoming/outgoing calls, emails, faxes, meetings
- Log action attached to person/organization in address book, inventory item, notes, todo, projects, files and phpGW user
- Definable reports/sorting/filters on log entries
- Reports viewable in Action Log and where attached (such as InfoLog showing in address book)

>>> TO DO
- Attached/assigned to phpGW user(s) or group, address book entry (individual and/or organization), inventory item, notes
- Definable reports/sorting/filters - in ToDo and where attached
- ToDo type - definable list - Call, email, fax, meeting, general task, etc.
- ToDo status - definable list - On hold, active, complete - possibly a status for each type

>>> Notes
- Attached to phpGW user, address book entry (individual and/or organization), inventory item, project, ToDo
- Definable reports/sorting/filters - in ToDo and where attached
- Notes type - definable list - Comment, information, complaint, etc - Another way to categorize and sort

>>> Address Book
- Person/Organization viewable to specific user group(s)
- Customized display/report screens (seems like there is the basics there but I haven't figured out how to work it)
- Clearer visual/accessible connection between Organizations and Persons
- Change owner or have a general owner
- Show creation date and last contact date (would be taken from an action most likely)
- Type of contact - Definable list - can be added for each category of contact - buyer, seller, associate, etc
- Industry - Definable list - Another way to categorize contacts
- Contact status - Definable list - New, Registered, etc
- Contact status2 - Definable list - Active, Uncertain, Dead, etc
- Contact rating - Definable list - Good, bad, fair, untrustworthy, etc.
- Relationship association - definable list (owner, partner, subsidiary, manager, etc) assigned/linked to other contact entity

>>> Bookmarks
- Viewable to a specific user group(s)
- Import from Address Book
- Attach to ToDo, notes, projects, etc

>>> Others - Various Importance
- Would eventually integrate other media and module types to assign to various people/things.  For example a news item/RSS feed attached to an organization.
- Most likely a marketing campaigns in future - Could tie in with mailing lists, calling logs, etc
- Very likely the same type of changes/additions would be done to assign files to various entities
- Integration with Firefox/Mozilla for at least adding contacts

Best regards,

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